409 33 32

Think, think, think
We’ve already overcome so much
Remember, remember, remember
Time keeps passing



JAEHYUN STARED at Reira's face illuminated by the bright lights of the many fireworks drawing the dark sky.

His eyes carefully followed her features displaying emotions like surprise or serene happiness, as her own eyes would grow into small sparkling crescents and her lips transform in a big smile.

He genuinely found the simplicity and realness of her actions more interesting than the show set up in town, often shifting his gaze to it in order to not get caught by the female.

Judging by the amount of times the two youth hanged out and eventually discovered to be long time soulmates (if it can be already said so), it can be said that they finally started dating against the will of an annoyed Doyoung who showed his total disapproval. Definitely ignored by the florist.

«My date only has to worry to be liked by me, no one else.»

This was what she stated a couple of weeks ago, after having one of the endless discussions with the insurance agent who rest his case and gave up on everything he was trying to convince her on.

Another of the fireworks' boomings brought the doctor back to reality, he cleared his throat and adverted his attention from the sky to the lady, again

«I know I've been saying this for a week, but I really feel like we were meant to meet each other at least sooner or later...»

Reira timidly confessed, putting her hands in the pockets of her jeans jacket and started playing with her feet.

«Maybe not in such a tragic way, but yeah. You know what I mean.»

Jaehyun quietly listened to the soothing voice of her's making it's way to his ears, while avoiding any compromising statement as a small smirk appeared on his face reddened by the cold wind blowing against it.

«Don't you feel the same?»

The older suddenly wondered out of the blue.

Her big brown eyes were now fixed on the surgeon's trembling figure, who got caught off by the question. He rose his head up to the night, thinking about what could be his answer: a sincere and straightforward reply, that would neither sadden the other nor create unnecessary illusions in her heart.

At that moment Mark scouted closer to the male, spreading his wings widely as a sign for the guy that he was right beside him.

For the first time in all the period he lived with the angel, the doctor felt like something was different. He sincerely believed like things were actually moving and the fact that the mystic creature added something new to his behavior and habits, the hope that his purpose was finally fulfilling flourished in his soul like a rose in spring.

With the question hanging in the air still wandering around his mind, Jaehyun thought deeply about what happened throughout his new life: the fact that everything was flowing so smoothly kind of scared him, making him wonder if there was something terrifying and horrible awaiting for him at the end of his long journey.

He then ceased the voices occupying his mind and decided to answer in all honesty

«Yes, I do.»


«If I'm not mistaken, both you and Mark can't greet each other in the midst of humans. Am I wrong?»

Doyoung curiously asked, while eyeing behind his shoulder and writing some notes on his PC.

When all the male heard from his back was silence, he nodded to himself as a big smirk appeared on his face

«Yet you told me of his existence, although this goes against the rules. Right?»


a deep voice suddenly answered, slightly surprising the agent who let a chuckle escape his thin lips and went on with the conversation, alone.

«No wonder, after all you're a fallen angel. It would be weird for you to follow the rules correctly, Ten.»

After that, the well said creature spread his black wings widely — the feathers slowly filling the bedroom and falling like burned snowflakes on the purple carpet.
He smiled mischievously at the remark of the human he was living with, always grateful to his superiors for assigning him to someone who was as evil as him.

How weird since in his previous life, Doyoung was nothing but a nice young man who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Mark wasn't joking when he said that people could drastically change in their afterlife.

Walking around the room, Ten attentively listened to what Doyoung had to say. With numerous sentences being spat out, the fallen angel tried to hold account of all the information he told the male, which were supposed to be reserved and secret: the existence of Mark following Jaehyun everywhere, the fact that the surgeon was living a second life after officially accepting the responsibility mentioned above at the Heavens' court, the correlation involving the two males and Reira and last but not the least, the conditions given to the younger to maintain himself alive.

The insurance agent knew all the hidden flaws of the doctor's second chance who, obviously, was aware of the true intentions of the other.

What an unlucky fault in this romantic fairytale, but after all it wouldn't be one if the hero wouldn't be tormented by the villain.


Mark quietly watched the Jung family merrily having dinner with lovely eyes and a light heart. He walked around the wooden table, whistling an old song and eyeing his companion from time to time.

The image of Doyoung during the last week's then flashed in his mind, making his steps come to an alt as he froze and his lips faded in a straight line — his face immediately becoming serious.

What worried him wasn't the well said young man, but rather his new friend: just the thought of the dark image of the fallen angel he saw behind him, made him cringe as what he remembered the most, vividly, were his huge black feathers and the horns decorating his forehead like a way too-realistic headband.

He knew for sure that his opponent was scheming behind their backs and even tho he met Doyoung not a long while ago, he could confirm that he indeed had bad intentions for both Jaehyun and Reira.

"He can just warn Jaehyun" you would think, but unfortunately, for him, Mark was a respectable angel who had to follow each and every one of the rules written in the pact signed almost seventy years ago.

Letting his gaze fall on the happy figure of the surgeon, Mark's features saddened during the process realizing the last thing he wanted to come across during their journey

«Poor you. Your life is at risk and I can't do nothing about it, for now.»


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