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The last chapter
of his life,
of her love,
of their promise.

Try again// Zéno Versachen



The walk to the cemetery was quiet, the weak sun lighted up the path and a gentle wind escorted the crowd as it finally reached the gates of the location mentioned above.

The tears running down the Jung's cheeks, made Reira slightly uncomfortable and perhaps guilty: Jaehyun's blood felt like fresh stain on her trembling hands, although she wasn't the one who killed him.

The same heavy feeling fell upon Doyoung, who after hearing the sad news of the doctor losing his life, left his job and isolated himself in his apartment, surrounded by alcohol alone.

The funeral was filled with people who knew the surgeon, loved him, grew up with him and were healed thanks to his skills. Many mourned the young male, often questioning themselves the circumstances in which he left the cruel world.

Suspects never failed to rise, accusations of an homicide also came to life, but all what the police could state when  they found the brunette's corpse was: an heart attack.

While walking on the autumn leaves, Reira noticed Taeyeong oddly staring at her. His gaze was intimidating, yet fragile. His pain was real, even tho a veil of indignation could be seen in his eyes.

"He doesn't remember, don't worry."

Doyoung suddenly assured, as he took a little flask out of the pocket of his coat and drank from it — his features cringing right after.

"What if he actually does?"

The florist mumbled, before flashing a glance at the redhead and realizing that he was still looking at her.

Her heart gradually started racing. She placed her right hand on the chest, as if that would calm it, the same hand that held Jaehyun's necklace, the one found on the bridge a week before.
His name was written on it, as long as what the female believed was his original birthday

"Thinking about it, he could be my grandfather..."

she told herself, a bitter chuckle escaping her pale lips.

The lady unwillingly observed the doctor's coffin being layed in the hole reserved for him, while trying hard not to burst out in tears. She regretted discovering about Mark's existence so much, she regretted letting her selfish desire to know what was going on behind the scenes so much that she didn't think about the consequences.

But what could she do?

It's not like someone warned her.

One by one, Jaehyun's relatives stood in front of the rest of the crowd talking about how kind and talented was the well said male. Praising him, keeping his memory alive.

Awhile passed, before the parents of the man eyed the florist, wanting her to give her contribution as well.

Reira slowly nodded and walked towards the covered grave. She gulped deeply, still holding the necklace on her chest and gathering all the little courage she had in that moment.

Her speech was going to be short, but concise. Not understandable by the 99% of the guests, but only to the only one that had to. Sincere and pure, but mysterious.

A message to him, who couldn't live his life at its fullest because death came to meet him to soon.

An apology, to him who at least had the courage and the grace to be born again.

Breathing in and out, while scanning all the presents' faces, Reira bowed to everyone as the corner of her eyes became teary and she finally began to speak

"Jaehyun, I'm sorry."

the place was soon filled with whispers and questioning looks, while Doyoung just stared at her with a pitiful and empathic expression.

"None of us, especially me, never knew what you were going through. No one was aware of the weight you carried on your shoulders since all those years, all we could do is allow our egoism to prevail on us, on our relationship with you and for this I'm sorry."

As Reira spoke, at the gates of the cemetery, Mark and a chained up Jaehyun stood up listening to the celebration. The latter held the chains that connected his two hands, while nervously biting his lower lip.

On the other side, the angel stared at him from every now and then, sad that unfortunately the damage was already done and they couldn't go back in time.

The brunettes eyes sparked a little, when they saw the familiar necklace in the hands if the female. Wondering what she would do about it.

"I hope you'll accept my apologies and allow your soul to rest in perfect peace.

I don't know if it's too late for this, but... there's this saying which goes by there's no two without three.

And this is why I'm asking the sky for a third chance Jaehyun.

Let's be born again, let's try again."



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