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I never want to talk about love
because love never wants
to talk about me

Red thread// Zeno


15th January 1951
The temporary South Korean headquarters.

RAIN DROPS repetitively hit the small windows, as the deep voice of one of the soldiers echoed in the room, waking up for the last time the few people who were still daydreaming.
The glitching pendant lamps kept swinging from left to right, their light being, at this point, useless.

All the men's attention was on the speaking male, well... everyone's except Jaehyun's.
The boy's eyes were glued on the dirty, yet wet glass, that offered a mediocre view of what was outside the small building.

Lost in the poor scenery, he couldn't help but to be strayed in his thoughts. It's been a while since he grieved the loss of his lover, but he actually felt like time was never enough to recover fully.
An aching pain in his heart, that didn't want to disappear anytime soon.

He finally decided to leave the dying nature and focus back on his fellow, who stepped back a bit, smiling in the process

«Some of you may not be happy, some may not even care, but I'm glad to introduce you a person I really look up to... He'll be with us throughout the war and he'll do his best to grant us reassurance and emotional support.
Father Lee...»

A man suddenly made his appearance, startling some of the soldiers, as his imponent steps filled the silent room.
Dressed as a priest, the male analyzed the small crowd in front of him with attentive eyes. His hands firmly holding an old scratched Bible.
A little sincere smile then appeared on his face, while introducing himself and bowing down deeply.

Jaehyun curiously looked at the man's figure, wondering what was the need of a priest's presence in a place like the borders. He didn't have anything against Christianity tho, he was a believer himself. It's just that the two things really couldn't match up together in his mind.

«I am here to help you guys as thamks for all the hard work you put into the protection of our great nation..!»

Father Lee said happily, receiving nods and cheerful exclamations from very few soldiers.

His gaze then met Jaehyun's one, who literally froze on his seat. It was hard to maintain the contact, but he still kept trying. A mix of emotions slowly crawled into him, making him feel sad and pitiful.
He tried not to cry, as the older male eventually shifted his attention to another person.

Why did the eye contact with the priest made him feel in that way?
The young man really didn't know and that kind of scared him.

Jaehyun then noticed that someone just sat next to him, he quickly turned around only to see Taeyong cutely waving at him. The younger waved back, raising his eyebrows and waiting for the latter to speak

«He looks like a good person to me.»

He calmly confessed, while the two peacefully watched Father Lee cheerfully chatting with their mates.

The brown haired boy nodded in agreement, breathing deeply

«Yeah, but what are you trying to say exactly?»

He nonchalantly asked, knowing that his friend actually wanted to say more, but without hearing his opinion first.

He knew Taeyong too damn well to not be able to understand certain behaviours or certain attitudes.
They were just like a couple of brothers now, after all.

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