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And I'll wipe
your tears
with the mighty strength
and the sweet goodness
you give me everyday.

Zeno's ink// Zeno


25th December 1950
The main South Korean refuge.

CHRISTMAS IS and will always be an event you can't avoid celebrating. Whether is, for you, a day to celebrate Christ's birth or a merry opportunity to spend some time with your family and friends.
An occasion that even the war can't stop from coming to pass, for the love and the mercy shared during it are way more powerful than the hatred and the evil of men.

The soft white snow prettily covered the few refuges set on the southern area of the border, the grass iced and strong.
Fortunately, on that day, no one was actually outside in the midst of the piercing cold: all the soldiers, along the commanders, established themselves, just that day, in the temporary quarters.

The chilly air was filled with solidarity and hope, as happy men sang traditional Christmas songs and shared their meal together.
Gratefulness and joy were fully displayed on their bruised faces: gratefulness because, by grace, they were able to live till that moment. Joy because a smile is the most precious thing a person can put on.

As the plates full of delicious food travelled across the many tables placed in the big allowance, the volunteers walked up and down. Making sure everyone were comfortable and healthy.

Suddenly the door of the room opened wide, a young boy making his entrance while carrying an heavy sack on his back, struggling a bit.
He slowly paced towards the center of the space, throwing the large load on the wooden floor. A sigh escaping his plump lips.
The dark haired male then bent over and opened the thing, revealing what made his back ache so much

«Letters! Letters for everyone!
From family, friends, lovers and even strangers haha..!»

The soldier exclaimed laughing, trying to mock one of the many street vendors he used to see in town.

His name was Yukhei, Wong Yukhei.
Son of immigrants from Hong Kong, which made him a foreigner of second generation. That's why he was able to join the Korean army.

Another mood maker, that's how Jaehyun would surely define him, the eyes of the older scanning the younger's bold figure as he waved numerous envelopes in the air, with that bright smile of his.

Jaehyun, after eating the last piece of bread, stood up and approached the improvised postman, intent on asking his mate if there were any letters for him

«Hey Yukhei, is there anything for me?»

The shorter shyly asked, nervously playing with the sleeves of his uniform.

His eyes quickly adverted from the other's face to the bag, hoping to not go back to seat empty-handed.

«Sure! There should be two letters...»

The other answered, while lowering his head and searching for the papers, his hand busily digging out the great amount of mails.

After few minutes the well said envelopes were handed to Jaehyun, who frozen at the color of one of them: the first one was of a milky white colour and the other was black as dark petrol.

The room slowly went silent. All turned towards the two boys with curious, yet worried faces. A bad feeling soon surrounding them.
It was know in those days that if a message sent, was wrapped in black, then that meant that someone passed away and there was no way the person who wrote the communication got the colour of the envelope wrong.

Jaehyun took both letters with trembling hands and hid the suspicious one in the internal pockets of his jacket, gulping.
He then heard soft footsteps coming from behind and soon after he felt a strong, yet comforting grip on his right shoulder.
Turning around he met Taeyong's face, who sincerely smiled at him.

The duo went back to seat, as Yukhei continued sharing the mail.
Few other black letters made their appearance: what a bad timing. It was still Christmas after all.

«Maybe you should open that when you feel ready, you know...»

Taeyong suggested as he pointed at Jaehyun's chest, probably referring to the message.


The younger said and nodded in agreement. Resuming his previously interrupted dinner.

But the thought of someone he knew actually passing away, made him shiver.
Loosing his appetite, he decided to excuse himself and exit the allowance. His delicate steps still managing to echo over all the mess the other soldiers were making.

He tried to remain calm as he dragged his feet through the weakly illuminated hallways, wondering why his room seemed to be farther than the other times.

Once he reached the bedrooms, Jaehyun opened the door and jogged straight to his bed, placed under Taeyong's own.
He lay down on hit and silently groaned at the strong material of the matrass.
The male rose up his head and stared at the ceiling, helpless.

The tears that formed at the corner of his eyes when he was still in the dining room with the others, now finally found their way to his flushed cheeks and then to his neck, soon wetting the collar of the uniform.
He sniffled, as he forced himself to be as quiet as possible. He didn't want to get caught up crying like a kid, he still had some pride deep in his heart, you know.

He was so scared to open that damn letter,
too scared to know who actually left this cruel world they were all living in.
Wether he or she left because they weren't able to enjoy life at its fullest, since death came to meet them to soon or even because he or she decided to knock on the death's door, giving up on life.

To be honest he felt like the second choice was too forced and impossible: none of Jaehyun's dear ones and acquaintances would do such an extreme action, he was sure of that.

Time flew and without even realizing, small low snores could be heard from the soldier's bed: he fell asleep.
Fortunately for him, Taeyong went to the bedroom as well and covered his mate with the blankets, smiling during the process

«Don't worry Jaehyun.
I'll be here to protect you.»


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