595 46 18

I want you
to stay

Stay// Rihanna


AS DRIPS of sweat kept rolling down his temples, Jaehyun felt like he was gonna drown in his sea of worries and negativity anytime soon.
Reira's angelic expression didn't help at all, she looked so harmless and weak

«The patient keeps bleeding, shouldn't we just go ahead with the blood transfusion?»

an anxious Taeyong asked, while passing a tool to the brunette.

The team exchanged few uncertain looks, doubt and hesitancy fully displayed on their swollen faces.
The silence went on for few seconds, before Jaehyun, without thinking twice, agreed with the colleague and informed the nurses about the future steps they were going to make.

Soon the doors of the chaotic room spread wide, as two women entered with a cart full of red sacks.
The doctors quickly took a glance at the pile of blood, happy to remember that the patient had an easy blood type to deal with.

Jaehyun quickly ran to the iron table and took all the pieces he could and placed them next to the girl's bed, after he gestured the others to prepare themselves for the operation and then proceeded to prepare himself as well.

Everything relied on their skills,
nothing else.


«You look terrible... Take, have some!»

Taeyong said with a small smile, while handing the younger an energy drink and sitting right next to him.

He caught a glimpse of the guy beside him, noticing that he didn't say anything — probably he didn't even noticed his presence at all. In fact, without realizing, the can slipped out of Jaehyun's slender fingers. The faint sound of the object meeting the floor, finally bringing him back to reality

«Wh— when did you come? What made that noise?»

the brown haired male suddenly wondered, jumping on his seat and looking around himself as if he just woke up from a deep slumber.

On the other side Mark started laughing at the male, soon followed by an amused Taeyong who just shook his head and proceeded answering

«Five minutes ago and about the noise... That's your drink, dummy.»

Jaehyun's lips made an "o" shape, as he nodded understanding everything, while bending over to pick his the thing.

He muttered a low "thank you" and opened the can, immediately tasting its refreshing flavor. He then sighed softly, leaning against the chair and stared at the ceiling, probably thinking about the operation

«It'll be fine, she's already out of danger.»

the redhead assured, placing a hand on the other's shoulder.

He honestly had to admit that since he started his job as a surgeon in this hospital, this was the first time he witnessed his colleague being so worried for a patient.

Perhaps he knew her? Maybe they were friends. The world is small, so Taeyong wouldn't be surprised to discover a possible correlation between the two

«Are you friends with—»

before the older could finish asking his question, their attention was caught by a middle-aged couple running towards their direction and pleading for help.

The two doctors immediately stood up, ready to assist them and the same moment the four made an eye contact, Jaehyun gasped loudly, mentally slapping himself.

Meeting Reira's parents after she was hospitalized, was absolutely legit. He didn't really know why he reacted in such a dramatic way.

Maybe he wasn't ready at all? Definitely, not ready.

Bowing to the two elders, the young men kindly asked how they could help the desperate duo, who quickly clinged to their arms and claimed themselves as Song Reira's parents and that they were there to see her, as soon as possible.

So the four left the hall and walked towards the floor where the patients rooms were, with the surgeons assuring the couple that their daughter was going to be fine and with a noisy angel trailing behind them, sheepishly grinning at the whole situation.

Arrived at the place mentioned above, the group of people approached the entrance, in which the couple stepped in, running to the candid bed of their daughter.

Meanwhile, outside the allowance, stood the two guys, who through the window that gave in the room, stared at the lovely sight of a family being reunited after a tragic event.

«They're so cute.»

«I know right?»

Jaehyun agreed, putting his hands in the pocket of his uniform and sweetly smiling at what used to be his second family in his previous life.

Unwillingly all the memories started to flow in his mind: a short film full of old polaroids dim his vision, while the lively voices of his dear ones rang loud in his ears.

It was like a long deja vu, full of pain and regret, heavy on his chest and light in his head.

An astral journey that unknowingly made him cry tears. Hot sincere tears started rolling down his cheeks, while he bit his lower lip trying to suffocate his crying, invane.

Taeyong, when he noticed the younger being in complete silence, checked him out and panicked when he saw his conditions.

He unconsciously went to him and hugged him tightly, patted his head with a hand and rubbed his back with the other one

«What's wrong, Jae? I told you she's fine now—»

«I'm so sorry Tae...»

«What are you sorry for? You did a great job!»

the older actually didn't know how to react at the brunette's sudden mental breakdown.

He could swore that before meeting that girl, everything was fine. He was smart enough to understand that there was something going on between the two, but what?
This was the real question.

He thought about how to ask him about Reira, without sounding too rude lr invasive, but Jaehyun already started speaking

«Even if we have to go around a long way, I will still feel the same. We'll be alright, I want to try again.

I promise things will go well this time,
have faith in me.»


Author note:
m e h.

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