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! This chapter will be
from Reira's POV !

happy reading.

Push your love on all my days
How you fix my heart, oh darling

CPR// Summer Walker



How many times those words were pronounced and thrown around like they were a spell, a simpler way to describe an overwhelming feeling that along other strong, raw emotions choked the hearts of some and of others.

I, Reira, honestly didn't know what they really meant nor whom were the ones chosen to live with such a sweet, yet heavy burden on their wavy chests full of life. They could've been parents, who breathed to give their all to their sons and daughters. They could've been lovers, who knew no limits and boundaries to their story. They could've even been just friends: because even the affection of a friend had the power of being unlimited and pure.

Perhaps what linked me to Jaehyun was this so called unconditional love?

I often thought about this. Since I was little, the concept of such a connection always amazed me, but what actually made me question my feelings was this wonder that kept me company since I met him.

A wonder, that made me meditate and meditate on so many bizarre possibilities, which found no place in a normalized world like ours...

Two predestined soul mates, ready to act an already written love story, with an overly arranged finale.

Wait, re-act, is a better word.

Act again, no try again, as if something went wrong the first time.
As if someone gave us a second chance, because the first one didn't end up as expected.

A sweet dejavu?

Yes, but why did it taste so bitter on my thin lips chapped by a raging cold?

I had... no idea.

Suddenly, a wave of a retro scenic nostalgia engulfed me in a hug. Security and serenity filled me up, as my lips unconsciously unfolded in a sincere smile and my eyes formed two sparkly crescents.

The smell of wheat penetrated my nostrils and then my lungs, although near the bridge I was standing on there were no traces of wheat fields or farms.
The rain, that meanwhile stopped soaking me, left space to a shining warm sun, its rays almost blinding my sight.

When I opened my eyes, I almost choked on air: with my legs crossed, I sat on a field while admiring the sunset.

The sky, tinted with hints of the best colours the rainbow could offer, made the wheats, being gently shook by the wind, as gold just like the ring I wore on my ring finger.

I stared at it curiously, before realizing someone else was with me. I really couldn't see his face, but his voice easily made his way to my ears: he was singing an old children's song, a song that my grandmother used to sing to me when I was in kindergarten.

Shook by the merry memories, I started following the melody as well, still a bit confused by the whole situation and with a mind crowded with all kind of questions.

The guy then interrupted himself and judging by the strange noises I heard, he probably decided to see who was singing along undisturbed.
I closed my mouth shut too, instantly feeling anxious and uneasy. I wondered who hid behind the grass too after all.

When he shifted the last strands of vegetation that separated us, a gasp left my lips: unfortunately for me, not because I saw his face, but because someone actually hugged me from behind, bringing me back to reality.

Gasping even louder, I took a good look of what surrounded me: I was still on the bridge, the rain was still pouring on me without mercy and the cold still attacked whosoever had the courage to move around the town by foot.

Looking down my waist, I saw the pair of arms that took me out of my short trance. Arms that belonged to no other, but Jaehyun himself, who stared back at me smiling.

"What are you doing here, all alone?"

His soothing voice gradually calmed me, as I placed my head in his chest and laughed awkwardly and replying

"I don't remember why I came here."

he didn't ask further questions and after that we silently walked hand in hand to his car, which was luckily parked on a spot not too far from where we were standing.

The water drops kept falling on us, although at a certain point they stopped hitting us without an umbrella being opened. Raising my head up, I saw nothing but the cloudy sky releasing its tears on the streets and the gentiles, yet I and Jaehyun were the only ones spared of such a wet punishment.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding what was happening but shrugged it off as we finally sat in the vehicle and drove far away.

Sighing heavily, I let my back fall on the passenger's seat and gazed at the back seats: on the sides two watermelons were placed on them, belted as if they were actual passengers.

"Who on earth eats watermelons in winter?"

I asked, chuckling.

Jaehyun let a nervous laugh out, scratching the back of his neck, as his cheeks slightly became red. He was clearly embarrassed, yet his eyes clearly showed that he wasn't the one going to eat them.

Then who?

Seeing the way my features were folding into a suspicious expression, the doctor immediately made up an excuse answering

"I and my parents are really fond of watermelons. Especially my dad... he loves them!"

"Oh, I see..."

I mouthed, without paying him much attention.

And I thought I was the weird one, heh.


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