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At least you stay out
from my journal of errors

Errors' journal// Michele Bravi


THE SHIFT just started and Jaehyun was already about to fall asleep on the counter of the reception, while trying to listen to one of the many adventures of the nurse standing behind it.
Taeyong's and Johnny's loud giggles managed to keep him awake, while the clapping hands of the energetic lady made him stand up straight.

«And that's how our Safari went!»

«I can't believe you were actually chased by a lion..!»

Johnny said in the midst of laughing, slightly covering his bright smile as his eyes gradually closed in two cute crescents.

The hospital was awkwardly merry that day, Jaehyun could swore that all he heard that morning were jokes, unbelievable holidays stories and lots lots of laughter.
It looked like someone secretly spread an excessively large amount of helium around the building, which made everything seem lighter and funnier.

Not that the doctor was complaining about it tho.

He slowly walked away from the others, without being caught and went down the alleys that lead to the main entrance of the centre, obviously followed by an hungry Mark

«I am in need of watermelons, Jae.»

the angel shamelessly admitted, rubbing his tummy and pouting to the walking man, who just turned around and glared at him enough to make him think twice about is needs.

«Okay got it, when we get home.»

He then mumbled, answering himself.

The way was flooded as always with staff members and visitors, their chatting eventually made their way to the two males ears who couldn't resist but to listen to their conversations.
Pretty much interesting, they guessed, but at least they managed to understand why everyone were so happy that day:

Christmas time was approaching.

The guys both facepalmed themselves, wondering how could they easily forget about such an important thing and looked at each other chuckling.

Fastly heading to the vending machine that was placed right at the entrance, the brown haired young man placed both his hands on it and carefully analyzed it's content — drooling at the sight of the variety of products.
His gaze then landed on his favorite lollipops and purchased them right away, throwing one at Mark who caught it immediately.

«I can't eat it know, you dummy! Flying candies don't exist, yet!»

The flying boy whispered screaming, while putting the item back in Jaehyun's pockets.

Before the doctor could even reply apologizing, the automatic doors of the hospital opened wide letting an overly excited lady come in sprinting towards his direction:
confusingly glancing at her, he realized that the female was Reira and that she was holding a huge bouquet of white roses in her arms, ready to jump on him if care was not actually taken.

So that was when he decided to scout farther from the speeding girl, which made her abruptly stop her tracks and trip on her feet, falling on the sparkling floor — damaging the once beautiful flowers she was firmly holding.

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