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Destiny can be
so rough and careless

Zeno's Ink// Zeno


THE FLORIST hugged herself with her left arm, as the right one held a cup of hot green tea. She worriedly stared out of the shop's windows, where heavy water drops kept hitting the ground.
The wind was so harsh, that even the trees set at the borders of the main roads were shaking, the lamps slightly sliding and the few brave pedestrians who were walking around, soaked in water.

Suddenly the sound of the thunders, made the woman jump a little, bringing her back to reality

«This weather is really dangerous, are those people really going to marry in it?»

the female whispered to herself, thinking about their young customers who were going to have a wedding ceremony in a few hours.

After that, goofily walking around with a big set of white roses, came in Reira — busy talking to someone on the line, while trying not to fall the precious and expensive basket

«Yeah yeah, I'm going to be there soon!»

the girl said and closed the call, not before placing the heavy carriage on the table where her mother stood at and then taking it again

«Are you sure you want to do the dispatch?»

the latter wondered with concern

«Obviously! Oh my... I'm so late, bye mum!»

the younger quickly said, approaching the elder, placing a sweet peck on her cheeks and then running to the exit of the location, heading to the parking lot

«Drive safely!»

«I will!».

Marching as fast as she could to her car, Reira placed the last piece of order in the booth and then quickly sat in the vehicle, sighing, as she ruffled her overgrown wet bangs stuck on her forehead and took off her dripping jeans jacket.

Finally starting the engine, the young lady entered the main road that lead to the public gardens, where the rest of the staff was waiting for her.
While driving through, she gradually realized that the weather was becoming way too dangerous for cars and busses as well.

A factor that would have forced her to slow down and be more vigilant about the traffic that it was going to form straight away,

«But I'm so late, urgh...
I need to speed up, I'll be careful anyways.»

so with that the girl sped up, regardless of the limits of the town and swiftly surpassed all the vehicles slowing down the way — looking at the digital clock from time to time.
Big curves and tight curves "suddenly" started showing up, Reira probably forgot that the path to the destination was like a death trap if driven roughly.

But she didn't care,
simply because she was late.

The irregularity of the road and the loading rain, made the journey even more difficult than it should have been.
One wrong move and the assistant florist was going to mess up her safety,
as if she wasn't already doing that

and as ironic as it sounds, the wrong move soon after was made: not by the distracted driver though, but by the anger of mother nature.

One of the many strong thunders hit a fragile tree, making one of its part removed and fall across the street.
Immediately realizing what happened, Reira pressed the breaks and swiftly made a risky maneuver, but it didn't end well.

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