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Break the limit superhuman
face the truth in this moment babe
reveal and wake up my true self
you saved my heart

Superhuman// Nct 127


1st June 2019
Seoul, South Korea

JAEHYUN SHAMELESSLY hid under the mountain of white blankets, growling, as the sun's rays penetrated through the orange curtains of his bedroom.
He kept turning left and right, trying to find a comfortable position, vane.
The day, unfortunately for him, had started and there was no way he could go back to sleep now.

The fatal element of disturbance that convinced him to finally get up, were the small watermelon seeds continuously falling on his now exposed bare face.

Opening his eyes, his dark dilated pupils met the ones of a playful Mark, sheepishly smiling at him. The angel gently sat on top of the brown haired male, while enjoying a piece of watermelon and pocking the sleeping beauty's soft cheeks

«Wakey wakey, good morning sunshine~»

he gently whispered, making a small heart with his fingers.

Jaehyun on the other side harshly threw the blankets off his body, and sat up glaring at the latter with a mix of annoyance and a bit of disgust, as he pushed him aside and walked out of the bed complaining about how he hated being waken up in such cringy ways.

«What's wrong? Isn't this the way you greet each other, here?»

«Don't do that with me, I nearly threw up the dinner I had last night.»

The taller admitted, glancing at the angel innocently trailing off behind him - towards the bathroom.

Brushing his teeth, the male curiously stared at his new "roommate" through the mirror he was looking into, still not processing the fact that that mystical creature was once a wingless priest called "father Lee", whom he used to share his deepest secretes and sorrows with.

But maybe this wasn't the best moment to think about his past life: to be honest there are no good times to talk nor think about it.
Those fragments of memories needed to be hidden at the back of his mind, locked up in a cage called forgetfulness for ever and ever.

There was no space for bad vibes,
for the world happily dressed in red, yellow and green.

«You'll probably have a surprise today...»

Mark nonchalantly said, walking up on the ceiling and playing with a lamp

«What kind of surprise- why on Earth are you up there?!»

Jaehyun exclaimed pointing at the boy, quickly running out of the small allowance and coming back in with a broom and using it to tease the latter.

The two soon started bickering like two kids, as they ran around the apartment, making a big fuss and forgetting that the former soldier's parents were living at the floor under theirs.

Giving up on the chase, the brunette slowly came to an alt, while putting his sweaty hands on his knees and panting heavily.
He rose his head a bit, only to see that the angel was currently floating in the air in a sitting position and laughing at him

«Urgh... Why did I even agree on doing this with you..?»

Jaehyun sarcastically asked himself mumbling, as he took a random chair and sat on it - his attentive eyes fixed on the other's lean figure.

«Oh, you want to already die? What a pity...»

Mark confessed pouting, quickly standing up and ready to chase the older as revenge

«No, no! I was joking, please leave me alone!»


«Doctor Jung, you're finally here! We already have a task for you.»

A nurse ran up to Jaehyun, who casually stood against the reception's counter, and waved at him smiling widely

«Hey Yeri, what's going on?»

«There's gonna be a person applying for the spot of assistant doctor, today and the boss said that you'll be the one taking care of it!»

the female said making an "okay" sign with her hand, as she patted the male's back and wished him good luck.

If there was something the young man hated about his job, was meeting and recruiting new employers: some of the candidates were kind and polite, but others... others were just plain inappropriate and annoying.

And the latters, obviously, were the ones most likely to be met at an interview.

His thoughts were temporarily interrupted by Mark, who was suspiciously laughing at the brunette. He slightly turned around, facing the winged boy, and stared at him with a confused expression

«I wonder what is he laughing for...»

Entering the office, Jaehyun adjusted his coat and quickly combed his hair - trying to look as good as possible.
He then sat at the desk usually used for the interviews and gave a look at the papers scattered on the wooden surface, regarding the possible new entry.

«Can you please stop laughing? There's nothing funny here.»

The male said snapping at the angel, who immediately ceased his laughter and pouted

«I'm laughing out of happiness, I'm not mocking you. Trust me...»

Mark said approaching the older and placing a hand on his right shoulder, as he smiled sincerely.

On the other side the taller didn't say anything, but return to read the various curricula.

«No need to read those, I can actually tell who will be the one showing up.»

Mark continued saying, now walking around the spacious allowance and smirking at the older, who suddenly turned around and stared at him with wide and surprised eyes

«You mean is someone I know?»

Jaehyun asked, his voice full of shock.

The shorter nodded solemnly, but before he could even open his mouth to reveal the name of the so long awaited person, the door slowly opened - cracking a bit.

The thin figure of a young man was what appeared soon after: a not so tall male made his appearance in the room, his beautiful mesmerizing red hair being the main characteristic to attract the doctor first.

The "unknown" guy bowed down deeply, as he walked to the desk and sat in front of the brunette, who couldn't take his eyes off him.

And behind the duo stood a clearly satisfied Mark, who aware of the fact that the newbie wasn't able to hear him, nonchalantly called out his name

«Lee Taeyong, the second gate to your new life.»


Author note:
From soldiers to doctors real quick ✓

Lmao, hello everyone hope you didn't miss me too much *shrieks*
anyways I missed you a lot and I missed writing so much omg zjsnjsis

Let me know your thoughts about this first chapter introducing the second part of the book!
As you may have noticed, the mood here is completely different heehee

No more drama, for now

Love ya

- zeno

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