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You’re my downfall, you’re my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you

All of me// John Legend


JAEHYUN'S GAZE was lost in the peaceful view in front of him.
He just "hid" out of Reira's room, with his right hand in his pocket and the left one holding his usual juice.

His eyes then slowly formed two small crescents, as the three people inside started laughing and joking around with themselves.
He never felt so happy in his whole life and he was glad that the ones, who helped him feel this sentiment where the family of his girlfriend, or should I say ex girlfriend.

The mother of the girl suddenly turned towards the window where the doctor was standing, she jogged to him and gestured the confused guy to come in

«Join us! Join us!»

the young man flashed a small smile at the elder, a bit hesitant to actually enter the allowance, but eventually gave in when the female replied with a wider smile — making him melt, just at the sight of it.

«Here's the hero, everyone!»

The chief florist exclaimed, spreading her arms widely and partying with her utterly excited husband.

On the other side Reira just chuckled at her parents, probably embarrassed by their behavior, as her cheeks became a light shade of pink and her eyes searched for Jaehyun's as an emotional support.

The two youth made eye-contact, naturally bursting into a loud laugh, without even knowing why.

A genuine and instant connection?
Most likely to be.

«Reira, what do you say to the doctor?»

The father of hers casually asked, shifting his attention from the dancing wife to the couple staring back at him

«Ah... Thank you, doctor Jung.
Really, you saved my life.»

the girl shyly thanked, rubbing her arm and staring at the floor.

It was a good habit of the family, thanking each and every one of the people they would meet on their way.
Especially if those did good to them.

Jaehyun, who got caught off guard by the sudden gratitude, nervously scratched the back of his neck and tried as much as he could to politely decline all the praises he was receiving

«This is my job, after all.»

he, after that, confessed humbly.

«Yes, it is! But we would still like to thank you for it!»

The mother said, joining her hands together and then walking to the dumbfounded doctor — pinching his cheeks

«Mum, he's not your son...»

Anyways as a sign of gratitude, Reira will come here everyday with a different set of flowers for you and your family!»

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