11 : intermedia

703 52 33


«Jaehyun, please open your eyes.»

An unfamiliar and calming voice gently said, the owner of it lightly patting the called boy's right shoulder.

Startled by the sudden movement, the brown haired male opened his eyes widely, sitting up straight and quickly looking around himself — sure that he would find the source of both the touch and the heavenly sound.

But no,
he found nothing.

The guy sat on a golden chair, although he felt like his body wasn't really making a real contact with the object.
He instead noticed that his soul felt heavier than it should, soon realizing that he was actually dead.

Before he could start panicking, what seemed like a dark and empty room became a sort of tribunal, as the lights turned on and everything became more visible:

an uncountable number of white feathers fell across the large space, while the glimmer of light that illuminated the place almost blinded the boy, who now took a good look at what was displayed in front of him.

«They must be his..!»

Jaehyun exclaimed to himself, referring to the soft objects flying around the allowance, as his surprised gaze landed upon a beautiful real angel.

The angel just stood there, sheepishly smiling at him. He wore a long white coat, while a golden belt was tied above his hips.
His wings were spread wide, scaring the soldier a bit, as he stared at him in awe.

Behind the mystical creature, a high table ran across the end of the room, where behind it sat exactly seven other ones.

They all glanced at each other, amused by the dead male's cuteness.

«Why am I-»

«You're here because it's been decided that your heart desire should be come true.»

The one standing in front of Jaehyun said, taking his hands in his and turning around — towards his seniors.

«Yes, we all discussed about it and we were able to prove the authenticity of your sincerity and your loving kindness.

For this

Jung Jaehyun, with the power that has been given to us by the most High,
we will grant you another life.

A life to leave in the far future, where you can live with your dear ones and friends.
You'll remember about your past life,
but they won't.
You'll be able to recognize them,
but they won't.

This angel right here, Mark, will guide you through the process, although he'll not be mainly involved in your choices, which are completely up to you.
You'll be the only one able to see him and to speak to him, once you arrive on earth.

Make sure not to break the following rules please, or we won't hesitate but to cut your breath short instantly.

1 | Do not try to remember to the people around you about their past life.

2 | Do not reveal that you were given another chance to live.

3 | Do not force events to come to pass.

4 | Kill no more.

5 | Do not make the same mistakes.

6 | Do not make your dear ones suffer.

and lastly

7 | Do not commit suicide.

I repeat, if you break even one of those rules, we won't hesitate but to end your existence.

You won't be able to access neither hell nor heaven.

You'll never be safe from your past.

So Jung Jaehyun,
are you really willing to try again?»


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