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I'm not asking for a lot
Just that you're honest with me
My pride is all I got

Mercy// Shawn Mendes


THE SHADOWS the sun rays created by penetrating through the windows of the cafe, gently caressed Reira's face, slightly hiding her sharp features and letting a veil of mystery fall on it.

Doyoung stared at the female, as he sipped on his iced coffee, while listening to the whispers of the fallen angel standing behind him

"Don't you think it's time to open her eyes?"

the mystic creature suggested, grinning and bending towards the other male.

Softly tapping on the glass table, Ten started walking around it. A smudged smirk appeared on his face, as he then stopped right behind the florist and glanced at Doyoung, who meanwhile shifted his attention to the demon — the two making a firing, yet calm eye contact.

"Hey Doyoung, can I ask you something?"

Reira suddenly wondered out of the blue, making the guy snap from his little spacing out.

"Sure, go on."

"Have you ever felt like living a dejavu?"

"A dejavu? Well, that's common, everyone live those once a lifetime!"

The agent admitted chuckling.
His eyes then narrowed, as his lips now formed a straight line and his eyebrows furrowed.

Taking another sip of his drink, the man began wondering if the lady sitting across him finally remembered something from the past.

It could've been a possibility.
A difficult one, though.

"Yes, but what if it only happens with one person? What if everything involving this person feels like something that has happened before, but for some reason it had to come to pass again?

I mean... I don't know Doyoung, but sometimes those issues cloud my mind. I believe I had a relationship with him in maybe my last life? Yeah, my past life and a really bad event occurred, making us separate. Till now."

The young woman became breathless after exposing her thoughts, glaring at her fists, which were tightly gripping on the jeans covering her thighs. Her chest wavered up and down, as her shoulders felt heavier and heavier, just like her legs.

And although all she did was removing a huge burden, the only way she could feel was heavy and dangerously exposed.

Did she make a mistake by talking too much?

No, but she felt like she did.

On the other side, the male was at a loss of words, clearly caught off guard.
He let his hand run through his dark hair and sighed silently, as a quick look was thrown to Ten, who now started playing with the female's hair.

His fingers, darkened by the dust of black coal, laced themselves with the various strands that fell on the her back.
With his free hand, the evil thing started patting her shoulder whispering inaudible words to her.

At that sight, Doyoung felt shivers run down his spine. Never in his life he thought he would befriend a fallen angel, to deceive two innocent lovers.

In this same moment, he couldn't even recollect the reason why he was acting this way. Without realizing, he became the instrument of the evils and everything started with a naive "jealousy ", a simple and common "love triangle".

Was all this actually worth it?
Sacrificing the life of a man and the happiness of a woman, because of his little whim?

Saying that now doubts and insecurities began eating up his greed, would be an understatement.
At its place some form of regret spread over his darkened soul, mixed with shame.

Meanwhile Reira was still there, with her eyes shut and her ears wide open to the luxurious words being spoken by Ten: if Doyoung wasn't going to open her eyes, then the angel would do it for him.

"Are your worries referred to Jaehyun?"

The guy surprisingly spat out.

"Yes, they are..."

"Then your worries are actually truthful and legit."

When he saw that the lady opened her eyes wide, yet kept looking at him with a confused expression, he decided to continue speaking

"Maybe he hasn't really been that honest with you and I even warned you about him, absurd."

scoffing and breaking the eye contact, Doyoung patiently waited for her reaction and bit his lower lip, almost making it to bleed.

The creature listening to their conversation immediately stopped harassing Reira and went back to stand next to the man, smiling widely and inciting him to create a bigger damage to the girl's trust towards the doctor.

"Honesty is one of the foundations of an healthy relationship, if you people can't even rely on this then I'm sorry for you, but you have a problem."

"Your point?"

"My point is that Jaehyun is hiding things from you and those things are actually serious."

"Such as? You seem an expert on what concerns him, aren't you?"

The florist sincerely wondered.
She felt like Doyoung wasn't really being honest with her too, as if he had something to hide as well.

But what could it be?

Pursing her lips, she began thinking about all the things that happened since the day of her accident: everything looked like a puzzle with missing pieces.
The current pattern of life she was living was clearly incomplete, which made her think twice before blindly believing the man who proudly sat in front of her, claiming to be the right one.

It was so obvious how things weren't the way they were supposed to be, she thought it was crazy how she realized such an important fact so late.

Well, better late than never, after all.


She calmly called out

"Both of you are hiding something from me, but don't worry.
I'm about to find it out."

After that, the only thing that filled the short silence left by the couple of friends, was the evil laugh of the fallen angel:

probably the only one who knew how this long awaited story would end.


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