458 31 19

You’re talking too much
You saw it and then
You’ll get hurt first, it’s cliché.

Noir// Sunmi


HAVE YOU ever convinced yourself that you weren't catching feelings for someone, yet those were just there exposing you and your guillable heart? Denying the unfamiliar sparkle in your eyes and your surprising skills in defining each and every one of that person's gestures and features' details?
Or should I mention the incessant daydreaming you would find yourself guilty of, making you feel like a light soul chilling on cloud nine?

Reira could perhaps relate to all these conditions, unless she could demonstrate otherwise.

With a palm resting under her chin and the other one unconsciously playing with a strand of her hair, the female didn't realize she spaced out for the tenth time in the span of about 20 minutes while Doyoung was speaking to her.

Her lips tinted with a hint of shadows of pink were slightly parted as her eyebrows would furrow and then go back into place, dancing in confusion and then the foot of her right leg placed on the left one would swing around following the timing and the beats of the melody coming out from a couple of speakers set at the corner of the hall.

The two youths were hanging out in a cafe near the hospital, where the male kindly asked the florist to have a good talk before going and embarrass herself again in what he used to call the " house of the death and life ".

Noticing that Reira kept ignoring him, Doyoung snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, making her come back to reality. She jumped on her seat, clumsily hitting her cup of latte and almost dropping it on her brand new pair of jeans. A gasp left her mouth, while her gaze searched for the younger's done one.

The guy mentally facepalmed himself, shaking his head and cringing at the goofiness of the older as he tried to remember how far he was with his speech

«You're unbelievable...»

he admitted between his teeth, sighing softly right after.

«Sorry, you were saying?»

Scratching the back of her neck and nervously laughing, the lady asked bluntly — a veil of guiltiness laying on her face.

The guy started playing with a teaspoon placed next to his black coffee, before flickering his eyes to the other and talk again: it looked like he hadn't rest his " Jaehyun case " yet, since the doctor was the main topic of his observations.

He would always find a flaw in the poor surgeon just to paint him as some kind of strange villain, although his poor and irrelevant sources made the job harder for him.

Except maybe for the fact that he claimed to have seen doctor Jung talking alone in a supermarket.

«I know I'm the one who got an accident, but are we sure your brain is in a good state?»

Reira wondered, chuckling at what she heard

«You have to believe me! He was talking alone and one of the watermelons moved slightly too!»

at that point the florist bursted into a lively sincere laugh, attracting the attention of some customers scattered around the cafe.

Doyoung looked around their table, a bit frustrated, while trying to convince her that what he was saying was indeed true. Sounding as serious as possible, the agent firmly resumed his talk for the hundredth time, but got interrupted by the female before even having the chance to say something

«Why are you standing up?»

«I'm leaving! I think your mission for today was accomplished, I have no more time to go to the hospital because of you and now I have a task to do at the flower shop.»

Reira explained in a hurry, putting on her cherry red coat and flashing a small smile.

The male stared at her, dumbfounded, as she placed her bill on the wooden surface and ruffled his hair before bidding goodbyes and exiting the place and disappearing behind a swarm of new clients making their entrance.

«Guess I'm gonna pay Jaehyun a visit for you, then...»


«Oh look, you have a new fan!»

Both Jaehyun and Mark slowly rose their heads up, when Taeyong's announcement reached their ears: the same guy that the day before just stood there near the reception appeared again, with the same smearing look on his face.

The brown haired male exchanged looks with his colleague and then the angel, who simply shrugged at the coincidence and rested on the counter of the nurses' table.

No matter how hard the surgeon would try to ignore the agent's presence, Doyoung's cold and piercing eyes would still manage to make him uncomfortable  — leading him to have poor efficiency in his job.

«Let's see what he wants...»

«Wait! Maybe he's just one of many other patients you helped!»

Taeyong exclaimed, his lips becoming "o" shaped as his face lit up, fascinated by the only thought that his friend was slowly turning into a modern Superman.

On the other side Jaehyun frowned at how embarrass the redhead was being in that moment and took a quick glance at the youngster staring back at him: no way. There was no way that guy was a past patient of his. He could swore on his degrees that he never set his hands on him, not even once

«No, I would've recognized him.»

he confirmed, before adjusting his white coat and walking towards the stalker.

«May I help you?»

Surprisingly, the question was left hanging without any reply. Doyoung straight ignored it, keeping his gaze fixed on the others firm figure who furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, a bit taken aback by the rudeness of the older.

Then the man's attention slightly moved to a different spot, an empty one specifically, where Mark floated intent to hear the conversation between the two.

When the angel noticed that he was directly looking at him, a sense of thrill went down his spine, not understanding why he felt like the eye-contact felt so real yet unbelievable

«Jaehyun, leave him alone. Let's go.»

he whispered, trying not get caught — as if that was possible.

Jaehyun, after hearing what his companion said, cleared his throat and excused himself saying that he was due to go back to work immediately, although the sudden change of mood of the angel sincerely confused him as well.

"What's going on?"

He asked himself, while walking back to Taeyong and the others.

He was was about to enquire information, but Doyoung's sudden voice made him freeze on his spot and sweat cold nonstop

«Watch your back doctor, talking alone is not considered normal here!»


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