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People say guys are all the same
do not to believe them when they say I love you
because even before they really love
they just say the words

Very very very// I. O. I.


THE BELLS above the entrance door of the flower shop tinkled sharply, getting Reira's attention although not enough to let her lift her gaze from the many documents she was carefully filling out.

A vase hided her face, not letting the customer see her which gave him the idea to hide behind it as well and startle her at the right time

«Good morning, may I help you?»

the female casually asked, as a small strand of hair fell across her face.

Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes narrow, nose scrunched up and lips pouty: the typical expression of a concentrated florist too immersed in her job to notice that the client wasn't exposing his identity as well nor he actually answered her question.

Weirded out by the silence following her short welcoming Reira finally rose her head up eventually meeting the empty vase she forgot on the table, she shifted it to the side and gasped when Doyoung's face appeared out of nowhere

«Oh my, Doyoung you scared me!»

the female said almost falling from her chair and dramatically moving her arms.

On the other side the young man just chuckled, amused by her reaction as he stood up straight and simply stared at the older without saying anything in his defense.

Since the day after the accident, Doyoung would visit the florist's twice a week just to check on the lady and make sure she was okay: after all he was the one who called the ambulance, after receiving the help signal from her car.

«I can see you insurance agents have lots of free time. Are you not supposed to be at work?»

Reira curiously wondered while placing a hand under a chin and looking at the younger with the suspicious eyes of a police officer interrogating a person of interest.

«Says the one who's always at the hospital.»

«Y— You didn't answer my question!»

Noticing that the girl's cheeks turned into a bright shade of red after she replied so nervously, the boy wondered if her flustered manners were due to the doctor that saved her through an excellent operation.

Jung Jaehyun.

Even before the fatal event, the name of the surgeon wasn't new to Doyoung's ears: he was quite known as the ” hero in white ” because of his garment and the only thought of elder citizens praising him like thirsty fan girls made him cringe and unconsciously make a disgusted expression appear on his handsome face.

Reira noticed his sudden changing of mood and started laughing awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck

«There's a person I'm really grateful for, there.»

she genuinely admitted smiling sweetly.

Doyoung slowly nodded to her statement, the corner of his thin lips uplifting slightly as he walked farther from the table and decided to wander around the shop.

Since he usually came to visit the young woman, the agent never actually payed attention to the rest of the location and what was sold in it.

What a mistake.

Saying that the flowers and the plants exposed were beautiful would be an understatement, a paradise for gardeners and lovers of nature.
From Amarillis to Zinnias, the shelfs were entirely full and neatly decorated, giving the place an aesthetic touch other florists weren't able to reach.

Glancing at the roof Doyoung could also see that the ceiling was made with glass, permitting the sun rays to directly penetrate into the small building illuminated with its natural light

«This place is beautiful...»

he whispered softly

«...like the owner after all.»

bringing back his attention to a busy Reira, the male tried as much as he could to sculp her strong features in his memories.

He wanted to remember her as pretty as she was, her goofy personality and her clumsy, yet reverent manners. But what he mostly wanted to never forget was the sincerity and kindness he could always see in her eyes, because that was the thing that drew his curiosity towards the girl that he had met only a month ago and already had such a great impact on him.

He wasn't in love, nor he was crushing.
He simply wanted to protect her from the harsh injustices of fate.

After finally picking a pot of dandelions, Doyoung approached the glass table and placed it on the counter waiting for the price of the item to be said

«Oh, don't worry! It's on the house!»

Reira quickly exclaimed pushing the flowers back to the customer, who got a bit taken aback from the sudden gift and slightly bowed as a sign of gratitude.

He put his wallet back in the internal pocket of his coat and greeted the girl, while jogging to the exit door. His steps then suddenly came to an alt, he turned around and asked

«Are you aware of the fact that you look like a puppy while following Jaehyun around? People downtown thinks the same...»

«I don't care.»

the female shortly admitted shrugging off the whole matter.

«He's a whole stranger, you can't actually have a crush on him—»

«And so you are, yet you're here.
Listen Doyoung, this may sound stupid but I know our meeting is not a casualty.
Something or someone brought us together...»

Reira explained cutting him off.

She was now standing up, determination and excitement fully displayed on her face which weren't positively perceived by Doyoung since he just shook his head, sighed in defeat and stepped out of the shop mumbling

«If that's how you see it, then good for you.»

with that being said, the door closed behind the male's figure leaving Reira alone to her own thoughts.

She sat down and sighed in frustration, ruffling her hair and wondering what could wrong in making friends with the person who basically saved her life.

After all it was nothing, but an innocent friendship

for now.


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