Chapter Ten

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The security man opened the door. It wasn't a cell, but an interrogation room. Another guard approached  withJervis, who was also very calm. Don't tell me, another clone? You don't have to answer me in actually, I will find out by myself.

"Weird, I've never seen you here,do I know you?"


"Don't tell me, I've killed someone in your family and you come accusing me emotionally?"

"No. I work at GCPD, I've come to gather information about a person you know."

"GCPD? Another mouse working on that mousetrap?!"

"No joke actually ..."

"I wonder, is that blonde painted or were you born that way?"

"No, I don't want to know about your little games. I'm very familiar with them."

"Mmmm ... Interesting. Say what you want so I can get out of your company."

"Jeremiah Valeska."

"Yes, it's at the bottom of one of these walls!"

"No, I'm talking about the real Jeremiah Valeska! Not Jerome Valeska's clone!"

"Clone? As if Gotham had the patience to do something so creative!"

"Well, the fact that Jerome has a pretty obsessed fan base, maybe! But what really revealed the disguise was the make-up."


"I haven't told anyone yet, so I can just forget what I saw, and you can give me the true location of your friend!"

"And what do I get in return?"

"I'm leaving early."

"Neh, I don't think so!"

"What is with this place that you like so much? I don't understand!"

"It's calm, you can plan things as they should be."

"It doesn't seem that way to me, because you have stayed behind ..."

"Even so, I never betray an alliance."

"I understand!"

I think it's time for you to act. Where is Jeremiah Valeska?

"Are you seeing how he constantly looks west? His cell is in the opposite direction, and the only thing in that direction is the medical room. Probably where Jeremiah stepped discreetly in disguise... out there, skin window, in the same direction, you can see what's left of those factories at the end of the street, and there's one that has a light on, it's weak, but it reflects. Why go so far, when you have your troops in here waiting for the order to attack. "

Thank you, as always, you are awesome!

"You know, you're right, you're not getting anything out of reporting your friend, it looks like I'm going to have to look somewhere else!"

"Just that? You give up so easily ?!"

"A curiosity ... It has nothing to do with breaches of alliances or anything. Did Jeremiah ever walk by his brother's side at the circus?" 

"Just for of curiosity?"

"Just answer the dam question!"

"Jerome was furious that Jeremiah had invented scenes about him. He ran away and end up in a rich college. He disguised himself as Xander Wilde, but Jerome managed, at the end of the his life, to bring out the best of him. "

"Xander Wilde, I knew it! Okay, thanks."

"Just that? Aren't you going to torture me or try to persuade me?"

"No, you gave me all the information I needed. Tell Jeremiah to better plan his hideout and escape next time, because ... he needs practice."

"Wait, wait !!!!!" '

I left the room, leaving him in doubt. Dam, we're really good at getting information out of others.

 Xander Wilde. Old friend! 

It was someone who would help me when I fell, or when I went to the punishment room alone, because I had hit someone who enjoyed laughing me because of my mother. He was always there be my side, even after her death. I could talk to him about everything, he was great keeping my secrets. Though I didn't mention you to him, because I was afraid he would run away. I remember he loved labyrinths and logic, like me. The labyrinths confused me, but I always came to the end with the clues he left. How could such a good person have become a real killer at the end of ... 10 years ?!

"Harleen, where have you been? I sent you so many messages!"

Oops, I forgot! 

"Dad, I got news!"

"Jeremiah didn't say anything, therapy left him completely ... neutral, we didn't get anything, I did what I could."

"Bruce, it's okay, I found out where he is!"

"Who? "

"The real Jeremiah!"

"What do you mean?"

"The real Jeremiah is hidden in one of the abandoned factories that are less than two kilometers from here!"

"How do you know this information?"

"Jervis Tech! It turns out he wasn't the only one arrested at the same time as Jeremiah, while you were busy, I went to do him to ask some questions."

"You know this is ..."

"I'm sorry, Jim, I know I shouldn't have gone alone, but can we dispatch while we have the element of surprise?"

"I hope you're right."

"I'm always right!"

We ran to the car. Jim started with all his might, I pointed out to him that it was the factory with a light on, which probably meant that it wasn't time to attack, since it was some kind of signal. So we should be careful not to erase it.

"You're so serious, don't tell me that psycho tried to hypnotize you ?!"

"What? Do you think I'm that influential? Ahahah. I just remembered a person inside. A security guard that seem like one of my childhood friends. "

"You'll have to think about him later. Believe me, you don't want to go with old memories to the edge of the monster you'll see!"

"You'd better stay in the car, Harleen!"

"No way, Father! I was the one who found out the truth, I have the right to go with you in the capture of that monster!"

         Here we are. I can't engage with emotions right now, they compromise the mission. Even if he is a longtime friend, there's nothing I can do to get him back. After all, this isn't Xander, it's the evil version of him!

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