Chapter Thirteen

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"Sorry about that, I usually bring some cases here ... it's quiet and it helps me think ..."

"Harleen, you didn't just talk about cases ... or victims ... you were talking about two criminals in particular ..."

"We're doing everything to find them ... that's all ..."

"I've been asking you for months ... but that day ... you mentioned the name" Xander Wilde "... but few knew he had used that name in the past. How did you get that information? "

"Mmm ... it's a complicated story .... He frequented St. Ignatius with me when we were young. I'm surprised you haven't gotten there yet. "

"I didn't realize that. You know that..."

"The boy I met at that college is not the same as the one who destroyed Gotham? In fact, daddy at first, when I found out who he was, I also thought about it. We were best friends. We share lots of moments together. And I just noticed the signs now. "


"Yes, he already had signs of being a bit crazy by then. He told me a story about two brothers who hated each other and one invented a story against the other so he could have a better life. All the games we did and conversations, he seemed to have a lot of fear that someone would do him harm. After what his brother did to him, I understand that he was brutalized, but he used the opportunity to release his anger and finally made peace with his brother. However, he became obsessed with Bruce, fell into the tank ... "

"A-are you defending a psychopath?"

"No! I'm trying to understand his side. Because I kind of understand him, Dad. You don't known how many years as been since I want to tell you something, but I'm always afraid of your reaction. And I feel that now is the time, because you aren't busy with work or you are treating my mother. And besides you don't have a way to run, so I think it's time to tell you that I have a special ability! "

"Harleen, you're not making any sense!"

"Dad, since I was little I heard voices in my head, I thought it was genetic, because my mother had mental problems. And that's why I didn't tell anyone, because I was afraid they would treat me like a psychopath. Until I realized the voices were leading me. They help me whenever I'm in danger. It was thanks to them that I was able to find out that the Jeremiah who was in Arkham was a clone and that's how I discovered the true location of the real Jeremiah. And they were right! Or another day, when we went to meet Ivy looking for information about drugs, it was they who told me how to get the information correctly so no one would get hurt! "

"Harleen ..."

"I know that seems impossible, but I think I have spirits who are guide me! Daddy, say something! Please. "

"I didn't want to believe when your mother warned me ..."

"Warned you of what? "

"She used to say she saw devils whispering to you when you were little. And that they would consume you. "

"You mean you believe in the version of an unstable person instead of your own daughter?"

"Not! I think you're both crazy! I was afraid this would happen ... how could I let you get to this point ?! "

He doesn't believe me at all ... My own father ...

You know what you have to do Harleen!

"No, I'm not my mother! You don't realize, he is everything I have at this moment ... I have no one else ... "

"Harleen, who are you talking to?"

We warned you it wouldn't last forever. You aren't alone! You have us! Don't forget that! But he is on our way and will prevent us from improving the world! 

"You're right!"

You're right! You are always right! I'm used to be by myself. And I'm sure if I get into a psychiatric clinic I'm going to end up like my mother. No! That bitch already took many years of my life! It's time to accept who I really am and move on! No more thoughts about what others think of me! 

I picked up a large bottle that served to reinforce the dose of medicine my father was taking and took it in a syringe. Injecting it into my father.

"Harleen, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, daddy! But I can not let you ruin my life. It's time for me to move on, and for that I need to let go of you and Mom! You have already done your part in my life, and it is time for you to join her, while I continue to honor your memory here. "

"You are insane!"

"You know, I already realized why you love Gotham so much! It really is a city where you feel that you can be free."

"Harleen, don't do this... y-you are my little girl..."

"Godbye, daddy! "

I left the room. When I heard the sound of the machines start to get louder and louder.


First murder of our Harleen, things are about to get even more excited :)

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