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point of view is from who posted. for example stan posts so it's his point of view.


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stnly 💬 I think I'm in love

view all 918,181 comments

stanbabe date me

stozierfan it's about bill isn't it

richietozier 😛 hmmm

stanleyyy ^ GIVE US INFORMATION RICHIE  @richietozier

benhanscom ooooooOooh

stanurissss @b.billy

richiesfan @b.billy

eddiekaspbrak @b.billy

bevmarsh honey no @benhanscom

b.billy I thought you're better than this tsk tsk unfriended @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak no baby I'm sorry but this is obvious @b.billy

b.billy sure but I don't like him so idc @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak :/ give him a chance 

stenbroughwhoops ^  @b.billy

stnly yes @b.billy give me a chance

b.billy text me @stnly

eddiekaspbrak ^ um yess  @stnly

stanurisfan ^^ stan you better text your boyfriend  @stnly

stanbabe ew @stnly stop you deserve better!

b.billy can you stop I never did anything bad to you @stanbabe

stanbabe your stealing him from me!  @b.billy

b.billy first you're* second I'm not stealing him ??? third from you? he's not yours. he's single right? @stanbabe

stanurissss YES HE IS YOU CAN TEXT HIM IF YOU WANT @b.billy

stanbabe don't you fucking dare @b.billy

b.billy watch me @stanbabe

eddiekaspbrak I fucking love this

richietozier I agree with this handsome boy ^  @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak did you just call me HANDSOME???? @richietozier

richietozier yes? I'm not gonna lie you're hot @eddiekaspbrak


richietozier you're adorable @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak skskksks thanskskks you're like the love of my life @richietozier

stnly I thought you wanna marry me why do you call this idiot @richietozier the love of your life ???

richietozier wow thanks @stnly

eddiekaspbrak I'm gonna DIE I love botH OF YOU PLS MARRY ME @stnly and @richietozier

richietozier gladly baby  @eddiekaspbrak

stnly brb marrying @b.billy

b.billy skskks I didn't say yes yet

stnly dear babe, bill, the love of my entire life ... will you marry me? @b.billy

stnly123 I don't know what to say. this is the best day of my life.

b.billy yes @stnly

stenbroughship AWEE omg

eddiekaspbrak AHH bill we're married to our soulmates @b.billy

stnly text me bill @b.billy

b.billy "soulmates" @eddiekaspbrak ok


if I make any mistakes pls tell me thanks ily

stay strong gorgeous


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