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⚠️ TW// mention of suicide & panic attack

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b.billy two years ago i wanted to be a youtuber

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billsbabe you should be one now

noahkrupp ok lets fucking do this

richielover did eddie write this? haha😂😂

angelasmith taking about stan hmm

b.billy I didn't write this haha just found it like this and found it very aesthetic. @angelasmith

billdenbroughsgf handsome babe! ilysm 💞💞💞♥️♥️😍😭😍😍

nana_._ very aesthetic baby !!!

leahcom ok we all know you were thinking about stan lmao

b.billy no I wasn't "lmao" ??? @leahcom

leahcom lol k sure @b.billy

b.billy I wasn't! @leahcom

stanuris ;)

eddiekaspbrak lmao don't worry they're all assholes.

leahcom oHhhhh bitch fight

b.billy stfu stanley. @stanuris

stanuris oh.... you're still mad, aren't you @b.billy

b.billy its was a fucking joke calm down @stanuris

stanuris then stop calling me stanley. I don't like that name. call me stan pls @b.billy

b.billy but I really like the name stanley

[the comment was deleted.]

b.billy ok. sorry, stan. @stanuris

stefanielol oH my poor baby

pat.ty he's fucking mine. stan's not gay. you fucking c**t. @stefanielol

[the comment was deleted.]

stefanielol I was... I was talking about bill @pat.ty

b.billy in my world, we respect people. every kind of people. so if you don't support people the way they are; fuck off please and dont use words like this ever again. @pat.ty

stanuris jesus bill we talked about this. patty is amazing ok! shes a very supportive, mature and kind woman. shes not a 5-year-old anymore. neither am I. I know what's good for me. I love patty. she loves me. she changed ok please believe in her. give her a chance. @b.billy

leahcom she literally insulted @stefanielol as a c**t lol wtf @stanuris

stanuris where? I don't see a single comment. @leahcom

mikeh dude sorry for the spoiler but there's literally a button where you can delete your comments @stanuris

stanuris whys everyone against me??? I didn't do anything wrong. I just believe in my girl.

b.billy you shouldn't trust a cheater, stanley. @stanuris

stanuris bill I told you to stop with calling me stanley. @b.billy

b.billy now I'm actually mad. you cant just act like nothing ever happened you played with my heart stanley you flirt with me make me smile for real after 828383838 times after I tried suicide you made me feel special ok I'm not in love with you but I was about to fall for you I cant believe this. i cant believe you would do this to someone you didn't even know. i was trying to get better because of you. i smiled again i laughed again i went to school again i ate again I fucking tried to live and what the fuck did you do "hEy gUyS mY NaMe iS StAnLeY "AsShOlE" uRiS aNd I dO nOt LiKeD bEiNg cAlLeD sTaNlEy sO jUsT cAlL mE sTaN pLs aLsO I pLaYeD wItH pEoPleS HeArT FlIrT WitH TheM mAkE tHeM fAlL iN LoVe WiTh WiTh mE aNd ThEn pOstiNg A pIc sAyInG I hAvE a giRlFRiNd HiHiHIhIhzjahahaksmzb fuuwck yoru stwjan I hat emyself

leahcom jesus fuck.

Brxxklyn99 omg is he having a panic attack while writing this ???

stanurisss I think so @brxxklyn99

stanbabe god I love stan SO MUCH but right now he's a fucking asshole.

bevmarsh I'm sorry stan. you really need to get through this. you hurt him. I know you probably didn't realize but that's not making anything better. at least apologize. he's probably going to forgive you anyway. talk in private. meet him or something pls bill really is a good guy, stan. don't let him go @stanuris

benhanscom oh God

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