one hundred and fourty one

124 4 0


mikeh hey

benhanscom hi bev

mikeh bruh how did u figure out that i'm bev????

benhanscom i know how mike types he wouldn't say "hey" lmao

mikeh aw you know me too well - mike💕

benhanscom always 🥺

mikeh <3

mikeh okay listen ben you have to come over to mikes place - bev

benhanscom is everything okay???

mikeh yes honey don't worry

mikeh mike is struggling right now...

mikeh with his sexuality

benhanscom yeah i know

benhanscom but what do i have to do with anything?

benhanscom i mean

benhanscom he talked to eddie about this i mean he can talk still talk to eddie he will always be there for him right?

mikeh baby,, i'm sorry i hurt you by telling eddie instead of you. there's a (good) reason though

benhanscom tell me

benhanscom what was the reason

mikeh um i can't tell you

benhanscom wow okay

benhanscom well then.

benhanscom i'm sorry i can't come over

benhanscom don't get me wrong i'd love to

benhanscom i have to go to the library with my cousin

benhanscom please don't be mad

mikeh ofc not ❤️❤️ i love you so much

benhanscom i love you too!! <3

mikeh but can we talk later tho??

benhanscom yes!! i will be home @ 5 probably depends

mikeh i text u @ 5 then :)

benhanscom yeah

mikeh yeah

benhanscom dork 😐

mikeh you love me

mikeh talk to you later sweetheart 🥰

benhanscom ttyl 🥺❤️

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