eighty five

160 5 0

⚠️TW// suicidal thoughts, anxiety attack, talking about the loss of a loved one

b.billy stan

b.billy can we talk

b.billy im sorry

b.billy i need you

b.billy i don't know what to im so sad

b.billy i wanna die

b.billy what am i suppose to do without him?

b.billy my brother stan i

b.billy he was my happiness

b.billy he was 14 for fuck sake

stanuris hey baby u need to breathe

b.billy i can't i don't know what to do

stanuris please i will call me over facetime we can breathe together ok?

b.billy im ugly rn i don't think you want to see me like this imma mess

stanuris you're beautiful

stanuris i wanna help you please pick up

b.billy im sorry i

stanuris bill i'm begging you

stanuris you're so pretty

stanuris i wanna be there for you

stanuris billy your brother loves you

stanuris he doesn't want you to feel sad

stanuris he wants you to be happy because you deserve all the happiness in the world

stanuris be strong for him ok?

b.billy i love him so much stan

stanuris he loves you too

b.billy thank you stan

b.billy we can facetime if u want but later

stanuris ofc,beautiful

b.billy i will call you in about an hour ok? im gonna take a shower so i can relax a bit.

stanuris are you really ok with being alone

stanuris i don't care how you look i think you're the most handsome guy ever i wanna be there for you

stanuris but if u really wanna relax i'll wait for you

b.billy yes im ok stan don't worry

stanuris thats good baby i'll wait for you to call <3

stanuris also if u feel like you can't breathe pls call me IMMEDIATELY i wanna be there for you even if u in the shower ok baby?

b.billy yes thank you stan

stanuris and one more thing

stanuris im truly sorry for your loss. he's never really gone. he's always with you wherever you're going. stay strong my love

b.billy he was such a strong person. he would have love you he was only 14 but he was so mature and the funniest i've ever met

stanuris i am sure i would have love him too

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