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Liked by eddiekaspbrak, b.billy and 2,826,836 others

richietozier @eddiekaspbrak

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alreddie skskks reddie is real

leahcom ^ just stop lying

richietozier lying about what @leahcom

leahcom you guys are dating stop lying to us

b.billy seriously sToP lYiNg RiChIe

richietozier no sshut up hahahs @b.billy

eddiekaspbrak I wish he wasn't lying though lol @richietozier

richietozier um are you serious or just joking you're joking right eds @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak nO wait aksksks I ditnt mean to SEND THIS 911 HELP WHAT TH3 TUCKX uaksja8wja @richietozier

richietozier so um you are serious wow ok @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak rich im sorry. but i really am serious. @richietozier

reddieslove sksksk eddies in love with richie!!! ogagagzg

benhanscom oh .....

mikeh same ben same @benhanscom

richietozier oh i don't feel the same. sorry I though we were just joking @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak ok but I wasn't joking. and I'm still not joking. I'm so in love with you richie. always have been. you're goofy but warm hearted you're totally my type of dream boy. @richietozier

(richietozier took a screenshot.)

richietozier eds im sorry. @eddiekaspbrak

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