one hundred and eighteen

152 6 0


richietozier stan

richietozier stanley

richietozier stan the fucking man

richietozier where did you go

stanuris um😀

richietozier cmon stanley what is it

stanuris i am somewhere

richietozier wow thank you i didn't know

stanuris i asked bill on date

stanuris he's in the bathroom to get ready

richietozier excuse me you did what

stanuris shut up you dick just read it again

richietozier you asked him on a fucking date why didn't you tell me i could've helped you

stanuris no❤️

richietozier wow okay i'm hurt

richietozier so you like dick?

stanuris um sure lol i mean it was so hard for me to accept this. i really really like bill but i never liked any other guy just girls but bill is just so fucking precious so fucking funny and perfect

richietozier right

stanuris he is so hot

richietozier okAYYY

stanuris SORRY it's the truth though

stanuris i don't wanna label myself though is that okay?

richietozier ofc it is stan! you're so fucking valid. always.

stanuris i love you thank you


stanuris i think i did a pretty good job 😃

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stanuris i think i did a pretty good job 😃

richietozier u romantic son of a bitch

richietozier you turned bills roof into THAT

richietozier i still could've help like bring condoms i have them in bills guestroom somewhere 😔

stanuris we don't need condoms you freak

stanuris you can use them

richietozier no eddie doesn't want to so i don't want to

stanuris aww you guys are so fucking gross

richietozier thanks you asshole <3

stanuris yw :)

richietozier can i use the roof later? um maybe eddie and i want to watch a movie later

stanuris „watch a movie" okay

richietozier no stan i'm serious i love this guy i would never do something that might hurt him he is my everything

stanuris very emotional speech

stanuris no but i respect that buddy but how do you even know

richietozier he makes my heart go crazy

stanuris no no no,,, not that

richietozier then wdym

stanuris i mean how do you know he doesn't what to?

richietozier he told me he wants to wait until marriage that was like ages ago but like i don't think it changed right?

stanuris maybe it was just joke?

richietozier maybe 

richietozier but even if it were, it's too soon anyways. i don't wanna scare him away he means the world to me

stanuris you're so in love it's disgusting

richietozier you are in love with bill i-

stanuris shhhhh don't say „in love" i just like him very much and maybe after the date we realize we're just friends

richietozier you aren't friends tho


stanuris bill will be here in like 5 mins so wish me luck istg if i mess this up-

richietozier it's gonna be fine you are a great guy and even if you would make a mistake who cares people make mistakes and i don't think bill is gonna run away from you just because of one mistake

stanuris thank you rich btw i'm not gonna clean up the roof so you guys can watch a movie

richietozier thanks bro i love you<3

stanuris i mean gay but i love you too

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