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eddiekaspbrak livin' my best life. 🌈

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leahcom omg thats eddie kaspbrak the one richie's in love with @trashmouthtozier

trashmouthtozier ohhh yes !!! he's so cute I ship this. #reddie @leahcom

arianaaaa you're gay? that's cool, me too!

b.billy good pic eds

eddiekaspbrak ily missed you today! what's wrong? call me as soon as possible! thanks bubba ❤ @b.billy

stanbabe oh poor you wasn't in school today. billy's heart got broken because of #statty? @b.billy @stnly @pat.ty

eddiekaspbrak oh please stop this. my best friend's strong. he's amazing and no one can stop him from livin his life. he's amazing. stop this immature hate comments. at least not on my page and also not the best person on earth which is also known as bill! @stanbabe

b.billy my best friend right there I love you thanks. @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak ily2 sweetheart 💓

stanbabe got it. i'm sorry, bill. @b.billy

b.billy nah we're good. thanks for apologizing. :) @stanbabe

pat.ty sorry, bill. but stan's mine. you're just an stupid fan who tries to steal him from me but I'm not gonna let that happen. stan has a lot of money and I want it. I deserve nothing but fame. you don't. so stop begging him to fuck you because that's never going to happen. get a fucking life, billy. @b.billy

(the comment was deleted.)

b.billy ok @pat.ty

stanurisss she didn't comment anything ? why are you so bitchy she's trying to change. @b.billy

b.billy she deleted the comment before you could've seen it. @stanurisss

stozierfan ohhh what did she say ?? @b.billy

b.billy I don't want to start drama so I'm not going to tell anyone. it's not my job to tell stan. she has to do it.

stanfans OMGGG she's cheating right ????? again? my poor baby

richietozier I'm not in love with eddie ??? @leahcom @trashmouthtozier

leahcom sure jan @richietozier

trashmouthtozier omg riCHIE I LOVE YOU @richietozier

richietozier I barely know him! @leahcom

richietozier like he's cute and hot and funny but like I don't know him. we never talked. I don't know anything but his name and that's only because it's literally his username. I don't know his age, where he lives or what he's like. @leahcom

richietozier oh and I know that he's into me and stan lol @leahcom

eddiekaspbrak tf I'm not literally in love with you I'm just a fan that's how I act around people I adore. you're good in music that's why I'm in love with you @richietozier

eddiekaspbrak a FAN of you*** @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak and stan's a real cute guy and he takes beautiful pictures. he's very aesthetic. so are you. I just like watching you @richietozier

eddiekaspbrak your pics*** @richietozier @eddiekaspbrak

richietozier sure babe @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak stop calling me babe !!!! you just said we don't know each other which is correct btw !!! @richietozier

richietozier ok !!! sorry, i'll stop !!!

reddiebaby um ^ that's a bit too mean, boo @richietozier

eddiekaspbrak fuck you @richietozier

(richietozier started followed eddiekaspbrak.)

(eddiekaspbrak unfollowed richietozier.)

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