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stanuris couldn't get you out of my head.

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richietozier listen to your heart. pls, stanley.

stanbabe god, rich did you just call stan stanley this is some serious shit...

eddiekaspbrak asshole :)

pat.ty thank you. @eddiekaspbrak

pat.ty cheater </3

b.billy wait what... you cheated?

stanuris no pls don't believe her... she's lying i swear @b.billy

b billy now she's lying? she was such bitch to you back then you always saw her as an angel... now you're saying she's lying. you're horrible stanley.

stanuris nonono please dont levave me im sad and alone pls dont leave me pls i need you by my side i know i was and still am a horrible person im so so so so so so sorry but pls you're a good guy you have to help me im alone and im scared im only crying you dont have to talk to me ever again just pls talk to me this one time bill pls i love you so so much ashjsjs @b.billy

stanlovesme jesus someone help this guy @stanuris

ashleycoolis oh my... @stanuris

leahcom what the fuck... @stanuris

b.billy just dm me your number @stanuris

edskasp whys eddie so mad at stan?

richiesloml he probably thinks stan cheated and now he's mad he hates cheaters

alreddie so... richies no a cheater... @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak I don't like richie like that anymore. AND he's still a jerk so no thank you @alreddie

richietozier I thought you forgave me? @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak I forgave you I just didn't forget @richietozier

pat.ty oh ok now you wanna fuck bill I see @stanuris

stanuris yeah so what? I'm not your boyfriend anymore right? @pat.ty

pat.ty all i ever wanted was your money any way you motherfucker

richietozier no shit nobody likes you anyways lol @pat.ty

eddiekaspbrak shut up I do like her at least she lied to him so stan isn't hurt by her words and action... @richietozier

richietozier are you serious right now? @eddiekaspbrak

bevmarsh he's just hurt thats all... you have to show him that you care @richietozier

richietozier i do care @bevmarsh

bevmarsh ik he doesnt tho @richietozier 

eddiekaspbrak you care? @richietozier

richietozier yes @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak ok then show me @eddiekaspbrak

richietozier i will, my love @eddiekaspbrak


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