thirty five

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Liked by eddiekaspbrak and 2,193,927 others

b.billy (no caption)

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tina.okto we all are here for you and you little brother!

bevmarshfan what's wrong?

billkaspbrak is his brother ok?

edsss22 hope u feel better soon!

billdenbroughsgf hope you're ok!

annab what happened though

bevmarsh it's ok boo ♥️

stanuris I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to.

b.billy thank you @stanuris

stanuris anytime. @b.billy

stenbroughs skskskks I'm in love<3

stenbroughisreal if this isn't real love then I don't know what it is

benhanscom he's strong! he got this!

b.billy you think so? @benhanscom

benhanscom I know so ❤ @b.billy

b.billy thanks dude 💘 @benhanscom

eddiek why isn't eddie saying anything?

edstozier he probably said something private

stattyship maybe they aren't friends anymore

leahcom can you like... shut up? @stattyship

stanbabe for real ^ 🙄

stozier maybe eddie and bill are dating but they dont wanna make it public 👀

stanbabe let me guess? bc if eddie and bill are dating that means richie and stan are dating? 🤨 @stozier

stozier exactly 😍 @stanbabe

richietozier lmao no I am not dating stan. he's my brother nothing more. sorry to disappoint you @stozier

stozier oh I am sorry I didn't mean to harm you @richietozier

richietozier nonono you didn't do anything wrong love you're amazing Ilysm 💘💞💖 @stozier

stozier I LOVE YOU MORE ♥️♥️♥️ @richietozier

eddiekaspbrak I love you so much billy !!! 💞💞💞

b.billy i love you too eds 💘💘 @b.billy

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