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⚠️TW// homophobia

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bevmarsh 👨🏼‍🦰 > 👩🏼‍🦰

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leahcom wow how brave of u ! <3

richietozier fuck bev, your amazingness amaze me .... youre fucking awesome!!

bevmarsh i love you @richietozier

juneshaves can i see a pic of ur new hair ?:)

bevmarsh look at your dms beautiful ♥️ @juneshave

billkaspbrak oh new ship i see ^👀

leahcom totally gonna ship them ^

mikeh same @leahcom

bevmarsh mike .... 🙄 @mikeh

mikeh 🥰🥰🥰 @bevmarsh

juneshaves guys seriously stop...

bevmarsh wow great thanks u guys you made her uncomfortable.

juneshaves it's ok. dont worry bev @bevmarsh

bevmarsh u sure love? @juneshaves

juneshaves yes ♡ @bevmarsh

stefanielol omg bev you totally have to show us a pic or ur gorgeous face and new hair! love u <3

bevmarsh maybe tomorrow thank u babe love u too <3333 @stefanielol

gretabb girls shouldn't have short hair. either way, ur ugly anyways.

arimcchrystal who are u lmao @gretabb

benhanscom fuck off seriously bevs gorgeous sweet and kind ur the opposite of that ur cruel and full of hate I DISLIKE U VERY MUCH bye @gretabb

gretabb ugh ben ur gay anyway u fuck off being gay is gross you are gross go fuck some ass ew @benhanscom

mikeh hey greta. leave my friends alone ben and bev are amazing people and you have no right to judge them because of who they are. they are fucking great. so pls make me a favor and leave us alone you make me sick. btw bevs hair ist fucking gorgeous, long or short. and ben, gay, bi, pan, ace, straight, or whatever he is my favorite person ever and he's perfect the way he fucking is so go way. @gretabb

gretabb ugh k @mikeh

bevmarsh god i love u Mike hanlon. @mikeh

mikeh love u more 🙏🏼💕 @bevmarsh

anawhite oh god i wish ben could see this!!! ^

stansssbae182 same @anawhite

b.billy proud of u bev 🌷

bevmarsh thx bub ♥️♥️ @b.billy

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