one hundred and thirty four

124 4 0


richietozier hey stan are you awake

stanuris yeah i was about to fall asleep tho

stanuris whats wrong?

richietozier nothing just wanted to ask something

richietozier if that's okay with you

richietozier you don't have to answer if you don't want to

richietozier i don't wanna bother you or make you uncomfortable or something

stanuris sure rich. what is it?

richietozier you told me that you don't wanna label yourself but in the comments you told everyone that you're still questioning...

stanuris yeah so?

richietozier well,,,, are you

stanuris am i what?

stanuris questioning?

richietozier yes

stanuris no..

stanuris i really don't think im gay because i am attracted to girls. but i won't say i'm bi because im only attracted to bill. i don't find guys attractive.

stanuris no sure they are but you know i would never start a emotional or sexual relationship with them

stanuris i want bill, only bill

stanuris it's so confusing so id rather just don't label myself at all

richietozier i understand, stan. that is totally fine!

richietozier a lot of people don't like labeling their sexuality you're not alone on this one

richietozier but why did you say you're questioning? that's what i don't get

stanuris idk

stanuris i thought they think i'm an attention seeker um idk

stanuris or maybe labeling me as bi or gay

stanuris i don't want people to label me richie

richietozier you gotta tell your fans this stanley

richietozier i know there are gonna be some stupid people who will label you

richietozier but you gonna ignore them stan

richietozier you know who you are and that is whats counts. who cares what other people think

stanuris i have to see the comments richie i'm scared they misgender ben and eddie all the time they gonna do the same thing but with my sexuality

stanuris ben and eddie are probably sick and tired and hurt.

stanuris i don't wanna be hurt.

richietozier the feeling will be there at first, yes that's true... and i wish i could stop it somehow

richietozier but i promise you it will stop on it's own and the pain will be gone eventually

richietozier look at eddie and ben! yes people still misgender them and they still have to correct people. it totally sucks!

richietozier but they aren't hurt anymore by their words because they know who they are and that. is. what. matters.

stanuris thank you richie i love you

richietozier i love you too stupid

richietozier now go to sleep

richietozier good night buddy ❤️

stanuris sleep well loser <3

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