thirty eight

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Liked by eddiekaspbrak, stanuris and 2,182,293 others

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Liked by eddiekaspbrak, stanuris and 2,182,293 others

b.billy thinking about this one person

view all 792,927 commmets


eddiekaspbrak12 babe you're so hot

kaspbrakbabe <3 my love

claravios love of my life ❤

eddiekaspbrak i love you!!! 💞💞💞

b.billy i love you more! @eddiekaspbrak

benhanscom handsome! miss ya 💖

b.billy miss ya more thanks ben! <3 @benhanscom

stanuris you look so good what the fuck is wrong with me

(the comment was deleted.)

stanuris i wanna meet you so bad

(the comment was deleted.)

stanuris i wish i could fall in love with you

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richietoziersbabe god, stan.... you're so annoying lmao jk ilysm

b.billy um,,, sorry i'm bill so i think you have the wrong acc lol @richietoziersbabe

richietoziersbabe no i meant- nvm babe you look amazing.

b.billy thank you x :) @richietoziersbabe

richietozier lmaooo how cliche everyones sees this except you, big bill

b.billy see what? @richietozier

richietozier hi um,,, did u know that eddie kaspbrak is fucking adorable

b.billy tell him that not me wtf @richietozier

tozier lmaoooo ^


annab where's the fuck is @leahcom ?

stefanielol shes not feeling good atm. she's in the hospital. @annab

annab god, i am so sorry. hope she gets well soon @stefanielol

stefanielol i hope that, too. thank u. @annab

b.billy send her big virtual hugs! i love her so much hope she gets well soon! xoxo @stefanielol

stefanielol thank u bill i will she loves you too! xxxx

eddiekaspbrak wait a minute who gave you the permission to use my name and "fucking" in the same sense you perfect! @richietozier

richietozier honey soon, i am going to fuck you. wish you wouldn't live so far away. btw, you're** 🥰 @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak noooOooOo!!! i meant you PERVERT!!! @richietozier

richietozier sure whatever baby boy ❤❤ @eddiekaspbrak

alreddie AHHHHHHH how cute ^

eddiekaspbrak stop calling me baby boy!!! @richietozier

b.billy don't stop richie he loves it @richietozier

eddiekaspbrak seriously shut the fuck up @b.billy

b.billy sorry dude but you know lying is shit @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak i cant just tell him that I like it when he calls me baby boy like wtf idk what you would do but what would richie do??? @b.billy

richietozier I would call you baby boy more often 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak why the FUCK did I forget that this is pUBLIC jesus christ pls help me get me out of here

b.billy lmao

richietozier no pls stay with me @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak skskskks ok @richietozier

alreddie I'm dead


more reddie because
reddie makes my heart go pr prprprprppr abbababamooomm boom boom boom 💖💖💖💘💖💘💗💓💝💞💝💞💝💞💖💕💖💕💕💖💖💞💞💖💞💝💞💝💕💌💕💌💙🖤💜❤💜❤💙🧡💜💛💘💞💘💛💝💛💝💕❣💛💣💣💣

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