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Liked by pat.ty, richietozier and 933,292 others

stanuris love of my life. 💜 (finally changes my username; thanks dude)

view all 40,628 comments

pat.ty i love you, stanny!

stanbabe he hates be called stanny but like ok (or not) @pat.ty

stanuris I love you too, babe ❤ @pa.tty

richietozier ok but like you're hot

stanuris shut up richard @richietozier

richietozier mAkE mE

stanuris bEeP bEeP rIcHiE @richietozier

richietozier hOw DaRe YoU bEeP bEePiNg mE ?!?!?

stanuris I DoN't KnOw I jUsT dId I fEeL sO bAd @richietozier

richietozier yOu BeTtEr bE

stanuris fuck i love and miss you come back asap @richietozier

richietozier I'M COmiNG

stanuris shup up idiot I'm serious @richietozier

richietozier me too bro I'm coming for real arghhhh while texting this and this is so weird

stanuris RICHIE NOT ON MY PAGE AHAHSJSJSJ @richietozier

richietozier I'm joking I'm not jerking off what the fuck only when I watch @eddiekaspbrak 's pictures but not yours you're my brother tf that's incest

annab what the fuck is this^

stanurisss I thought you'd tell me @annab

no.garcia I don't know either. @annab

gracevs you tell me @annab

stanuris I hate you @richietozier

richietozier you just told me you love me! :( I love you paps

stanuris love you too but don't call me paps @richietozier

stozierfan yeah richie call him daddy @richietozier @stanuris

richietozier akksksk ^ @stozierfan

reddiebaby nOOoOoo what about #reddie you literally just said that you're jerking off while watching eddie's pic @richietozier

richietozier the fuck is reddie @reddiebaby

reddiebaby REDDIE =Richie + EDDIE @richietozier

richietozier why did you type eddie in caps but "richie" not @reddiebaby

reddiebaby because i wanted to make clear why its named reddie. the r from richie and the eddie from... well,,,,,, eddie. @richietozier

richietozier oh ok. @reddiebaby

richietozier ily hot stuff @eddiekaspbrak

mystar why's eddie not here freaking out because richie called him hot stuff? he's a fan isn't he? @eddiekaspbrak @richietozier @stanuris

leahcom they had a huge fight yesterday at eddie's page @mystar

trashmouthtozier ^ @mystar @leahcom

reddiebaby yeah I don't think richie knows though... ^^ @mystar @leahcom

richietozier it was just a joke guys! @leahcom @trashmouthtozier @reddiebaby @mystar

leahcom no honey for you maybe. but it's wasn't a joke for eddie though. he's really pissed at you.

richietozier how would you know??? @leahcom

reddiebaby babe :( @richietozier

leahcom he unfollowed you. @richietozier

richietozier oh,,,

richietozier idc @leahcom

trashmouthtozier richie.... @richietozier

stanuris um... pls call me rich @richietozier

richietozier ok


hope you don't mind
that it's reddie.
I'm just obsessed with
reddie right now.

stay strong!


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