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⚠️TW// talking about/ making fun of suicide, self harm

⚠️TW// talking about/ making fun of suicide, self harm

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Liked by mikeh, b.billy and 1,283,957 others

eddiekaspbrak sksksk look at my wife!!! I love her sm 😭😭😭
[tagged; whereatheavocados]

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richietozier fangirls be like...

eddiekaspbrak 😤😤😤 @richietozier

richietozier oh come on you know i love you very much 😘

eddiekaspbrak oh do I know 😐😐😐 @richietozier

richietozier eds... you know I'm sorry 😔

eddiekaspbrak yeah my dude I'm just kidding!!! 😂😂😜😜😜 @richietozier

richiesbabe eddie... you are cringe.

eddiekaspbrak and you're still on my page 😚 @richiesbabe

richiesbabe AnD yOuRe StIlL oN mY pAgE

leahcom lmao fuck off go to sleep, dreaming about becoming "richies babe." :) @richiesbabe

richiesbabe maybe i will u suicidal bitch @leahcom

stefanielol hi you motherfucker this is disrespectful as fuck. @richiesbabe

leahcom nah it's ok thanks tho 💋 @stefanielol

stefanielol anytime. ❤ @leahcom

stattyship AHA, she tried to kill herself oh poor thing... 😂😂 @leahcom

richiesbabe for real 😂 @stattyship

eddiekaspbrak ok first of fucking all richies mine @richiesbabe

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bevmarsh ☕☕☕

leahcom isn't that coffee??? @bevmarsh

bevmarsh what??? nOOoo!!! what's supposed to be the cup of tea?? @leahcom

leahcom this one 🍵 @bevmarsh

eddiekaspbrak stan and bill are fucking made for each so miss me with that straight shit @stattyship

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eddiekaspbrak I dont like hate on my page. you both are disrespectful and cruel. @stattyship @richiesbabe

richiesbabe HAHAH honey richie doesn't like ya he told you a million times

eddiekaspbrak hE tOLd YoU a miLlIoN tImEs @richiesbabe


annab bitch wheres my cup of tea when I need it?

stansgorg I NEED MORE TEA

stenbrough_ TEA TEA TEA

b.billysss lol wtf ...

billieeyelash MY BABE BILLIE OMGGG

richietozier ??? whats going on

richiesbabe hah this loser dreams about fucking you @richietozier

eddiekaspbrak about him fucking me** @richiesbabe

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bevmarsh SKKSKSKSKSKSKSKSK who else saw this???

b.billy me. hahaha @bevmarsh

b.billy my best friend I love u eds

eddiekaspbrak love ya ❤❤ @b.billy

richietozier yeah I saw that too 😂😂 @bevmarsh

richietozier I dont see you point? why all the hate? what's wrong with him dreaming (what might can happen in real life 😏) @richiesbabe

richiesbabe what? @richietozier

richietozier I mean I love yall but sometimes you gotta stop with this. I wanna meet eddie so much. he's a very good friend. and you cant judge him just because you want me to be friends with you instead of him... I decide who my friends are. bill and eddie are great people. I didnt meet them yet but I'm going to meet them soon lol. but pls pls pls respect my friends. thank ya. @richiesbabe

eddiekaspbrak ❤ @richietozier

b.billy soon bro soon 💖 @richietozier

richiesbabe I'm embarrassed.

eddiekaspbrak dont be! I hope you realized that I never meant to harm you in any way! 🤗 @richiesbabe

richiesbabe I am so so incredibly sorry eddie.

eddiesgf you better be bitch @richiesbabe

stanstheman yeah you whore @richiesbabe

james282 nobody likes you @richiesbabe

eddiekaspbrak nononono this isn't about making mistakes and then keep bullying. bullying is BULLSHIT !!! its about learning and acceptance. I accept their apology because they learned about they mistakes. they're not a bad person. pls stop the hate! @eddiesgf @stanstheman @james282

eddiesgf ok you right. im sorry. @richiesbabe

raqueunique i am SO glad he's using they/them pronouns ! he's trying not to assume genders. so cute! 💞

richiesbabe it's ok! @eddiesgf I'm so glad you accept my apology eddie! you're such a nice person 💘

eddiekaspbrak no worries ❤ @richiesbabe

stanuris this is so cute my heart is smiling <3 


because i love billie.

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