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Liked by mikeh, benhanscom and 148 others

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Liked by mikeh, benhanscom and 148 others

bevmarsh red (dick)head

view all 59 comments

mikeh my best friend's hot 😍

bevmarsh thanks babe @mikeh

benhanscom stop using emojis. @mikeh

benhanscom also you're beautiful bev

bevmarsh thanks babe @benhanscom

mikeh fuck me @benhanscom

benhanscom gladly @mikeh

mikeh FIGHT**** ME ARGH @benhanscom

b.billy lmaooo @mikeh

b.billy you're gorgeous bev.

bevmarsh skskks @mikeh

bevmarsh thanks billy @b.billy

b.billy in case you want to know it's actually bill :)

eddiekaspbrak william* @b.billy

b.billy you're fucking everywhere. @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak nah I'm a virgin @b.billy

mikeh lMAOOOOO @eddiekaspbrak

richietozier I could change that @eddiekaspbrak

eddiekaspbrak skskksks no thanks. not until marriage @richietozier

richietozier oh boo you whore @eddiekaspbrak

b.billy lmao ^

fenja_82 same billy same @b.billy

benhanscom billy

mikeh hilly

dragonfan silly

patrat killy

jansmemepage willy

bevmarsh we fucking got it you guys. stop spamming on my page.

bevmarsh you fucking idiots. @benhanscom @mikeh

mikeh oh shup up you know I'm in love with you bev

benhanscom oh

bevmarsh I love you too @mikeh

bevmarshfan ship ^

bevmarsh no we're just joking we aren't really in love @bevmarshfan

mikeh ^ rt

bevmarsh but thanks for having a fan page for me I'm literally a loser but thanks @bevmarshfan


bevmarsh ohhh thanks! @bevmarshfan

b.billy lmaooo ^ i agree she should be famous for being a savage

gretabb lmao you suck

bevmarsh thanks you too @gretabb

billysfan I thought pretty isn't talent bill @b.billy

b.illy it isn't i said she should be famous for being a savage not for being beautiful cant you fucking read @billysfan

eddiekaspbrak oh

bevmarsh oh x2

benhanscom oh x3

mikeh oh x4

gretabb lmao

benhanscom get the fuck out of here if you only want to hate you dick @b.billy

bevmarsh well said ben. @benhanscom

bevmarsh also, @gretabb fuck off

gretabb dont tell me what to do

gretabb also I'm going

mikeh 🙄 greta's weird asf

benhanscom agree @mikeh

bevmarsh ^ same @benhanscom @mikeh


this shit's boring
but you can tell bill's mad at everyone

so guess why
and find out in the
neXT cHapTer

lmao jk in not like these writers
I don't care who reads this but

I'm so thankful for every one of you.
:) I love seeing the reads number getting higher and higher.

thank you guys. so so much!


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