one hundred and twenty

136 4 1


stanuris i saw eddie going to the bathroom so i'm gonna ask you this

stanuris hows your date so far?

richietozier i'm so in love

stanuris ewww

richietozier lmaooo

richietozier he's so fucking pretty

richietozier i'm trying not to get hard

richietozier his outfit makes me horny


stanuris just „make love"

richietozier shut up he deserves the world

richietozier he's so innocent it makes me crazy

richietozier i wanna touch him anywhere

stanuris ew shut the fuck up!!!

stanuris but i felt this

stanuris bill was pretty as fuck

stanuris he still is but

stanuris he was there laying next to me laughing with me it made me do things

richietozier do things?

stanuris it's sound so cheesy and stupid but like butterflies are in my stomach and they fucking crazy everytime i see bill i just wanna kiss him . hold in in my arms and protect him forever

richietozier „dont say in love i just really really like him that's it"

richietozier i'm telling you you're in love stupid

stanuris maybe idk

stanuris since the first time i „met" him online he was so fucking amazing

stanuris he made me laugh everytime he's so sassy and adorable and so so pretty

stanuris but he doesn't like me

richietozier how do you know that tf

stanuris i don't think he liked what i did on the roof it was probably boring and not romantic

richietozier shut up stanley it was breathtaking. are you serious he's really fucking stupid if he won't fall in love with you after you did this.

stanuris he isn't stupid he is pretty smart

stanuris hes such a ravenclaw

richietozier i'm gonna slap you 😀

stanuris okay

stanuris im a slytherin

richietozier shut up omg

stanuris eddie is a hufflepuff you are a ravenclaw :)

richietozier OKAY

richietozier eddie is back gotta gay

richietozier go*

stanuris you are not funny

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