one hundred and thirty eight

150 3 0


mikeh can we talk

mikeh i am so close to lose my shit bro

mikeh idk

mikeh help

eddiekaspbrak what's wrong 🥺

mikeh i love you

mikeh i think

mikeh I THINK

mikeh i have feelings for ben?

mikeh i-

mikeh idk

mikeh i like girls though

mikeh what am i supposed to do now

eddiekaspbrak ok first of all CUTE CUTE CUTE

eddiekaspbrak second so what exactly is the problem here

eddiekaspbrak you're scared because u have feelings for your best friend?

mikeh NO

mikeh im CONFUSED because i have feelings for my best friend

mikeh they're so cute and fucking handsome how can you not fall in love with them

eddiekaspbrak sure

eddiekaspbrak so maybe idk

eddiekaspbrak why are you telling me this

eddiekaspbrak why not bev

mikeh because bev would be like OMG mike tell them blah blah

eddiekaspbrak well yeah

eddiekaspbrak tell them

mikeh THIS-


mikeh i am into women eddie

eddiekaspbrak maybe you aren't lmao because ben is non binary


eddiekaspbrak it's not wrong yk :(


mikeh i just idk it's just so confusing i'm sorry if it comes out wrong

mikeh i love you eddie

eddiekaspbrak no mikey i love you too i promise it's fine don't worry💖

eddiekaspbrak just know, that we all love you no matter what. if ur into women, men or non binaries we all accept you and that's what matters. i know it seems scary at first cuz i was scared too but that feeling WILL go away someday and you can finally be yourself

eddiekaspbrak be brave. be proud.

mikeh eddie i seriously adore you so much

mikeh pls-

mikeh i wish i could hug you

mikeh thank you eddie ilyilyily

eddiekaspbrak no mikey i love YOU

mikeh so what's my sexuality?

eddiekaspbrak idk

eddiekaspbrak you can do what's my sexuality quizzes we all done it trust me

mikeh haha okay

eddiekaspbrak and you'll figure it out eventually. i promise everything's gonna be fine

eddiekaspbrak you don't even need to label yourself if ur not comfortable with it btw

eddiekaspbrak you're valid always.

mikeh ily eddie so much.

eddiekaspbrak love you too!! so much 💛

mikeh ❤️❤️❤️


i spend like 3 days on this short chapter cuz my mental health is getting worse and worse but it's okay i'm proud of me for finally updating :)

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