forty one

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Liked by b.billy and eddiekaspbrak and 9,284,915 others

stanuris i love hanging out with my bestie for the restie 😍💞💞
📸 by awful @richietozier love u

view all 1,525,128 comments

stanbabe I love you stan and I love u rich

stanuris love u too beautiful @stanbabe

stanbabe SKSKKSKSK @stanbabe

eddiesgf lmao we love guys being nothing but good friends

eddiekaspbrak I like your username @eddiesgf

eddiesgf I LOVE YOU @eddiekaspbrak

stefanielol babes

leahcom cute

stanslove hey @leahcom

uristozier hi bub u ok @leahcom

11tozier11 HI LEAH ILY @leahcom

hannauris hope ur doing fine @leahcom

stanbabe I'm glad ur back. we all love and miss you @leahcom

leahcom missed u too! @stanbabe

b.billy looks like a lot of fun

stanuris it wasnt tbh @b.billy

richietozier shut up u love me @stanuris

stanuris sure whatever makes you happy @richietozier


short and boring oops

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