2. The Aftermath

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Kylo woke up to the taste of blood in his mouth. That wasn't a good sign. He half opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a bottle of beer laying horizontally on his night desk. That wasn't a good sign either. He always took drinks with him in bed when he was super wasted. He watched as a drop hanged from the bottle, waiting for it to fall and join the rest of the drink on his floor, as he tried to remember what happened yesterday. The concert. He remembered all of that. Then the car ride was a little foggy in his brain, but still, the feeling it gave his stomach remained. Then he was walking home.

With Rey.

His eyes widened. Had she gotten back after all? Was she still there? He silently prayed she had the decency to leave before he woke up so that he wouldn't have to see her face first thing in the morning. Or, actually, not her face. That didn't bother him that much. It was actually… quite cute. But he really didn't want to hear her talk. Her talent of getting on his nerves in a matter of milliseconds was something to be truly amazed by.

But it was quiet. And hot and nice there. Surely, if she was still there, he would be able to feel it in the air. It would stink.

But he decided to get off the bed and go check the couch or the kitchen or… the bathroom. Honestly, if they had both drunk even more after they got there, she could have fallen asleep anywhere. With that thought, he made a mental list and also put "pavement" in it. Just in case she had tried to escape and passed out right in front of his house. If it were even a couple of steps further away, he would just leave her there.

But before he could even get out of his room, a scream stopped him. His head ringed and he cursed, loudly.

Of course. Rey was in his fucking bed.

She was suddenly fully aware of how many clothes she had on. Or, rather, how many she didn't. She pulled the covers hurriedly around her, and a second later, she pulled them so that they were also covering her face. Because it was burning. And she didn't what him to see her blush like that. Her eyes started watering from anger, and she would have screamed again if loud noises weren't so murderous in that moment.

"Are you…" she heard his voice muffled. He sounded calm. "Are you okay?"

"Give me my clothes!"

The demand was met with silence. Because Kylo was just realizing she was, quite possibly, completely naked. In his bed. His friend's girlfriend, whom he absolutely despised, was naked in his bed. He cursed himself.

"Why are you- Where are- What-"

"Just give me my fucking clothes, dammit!"

He looked around. "Where are they?"

There was a pause as Rey tried to remember. But she really didn't remember anything after she fell asleep in the cab. Had Kylo gotten her straight to his place?

She pushed the covers back down, suddenly not caring enough about what was visible to him and what wasn't. She was, after all, still drunk.

"Did you rape me?" she yelled.

The look of shock and aggravation on his face was almost funny. "What?" he hissed.

"I fell asleep in the taxi! You- you got me here and… And…"

"I didn't do anything to you. If anything, you were the one who was hitting on me."

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