17. Two can play this game

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There were muscles Rey didn't know she had that were sore Saturday morning. She groaned, rolled over her bed and looked at herself. She had bruises on her wrists. Although she couldn't lie to herself -she had enjoyed what Kylo did to her perhaps more than she should have- she was a little mad. They had barely started dating. No. They weren't even dating. What made him think he can treat her like that? What made him think he is the one in charge? Two can play this game...

Her phone was lighting up with a text message from "Starfighter". That was the nickname she had given Kylo after his aviator father had confided in her he used to call him like that when he was little. Because, neither putting him down as her professor nor as her ex's best friend was good enough. And same went for him. He put her down as "Kira", for some reason.


Good morning. Are you okay?

Yeah... She didn't respond. Instead, she went to the library and started a paper, for his class no less. By noon she got back to her dorm room and, since it was empty, stripped down to get into the shower. Well, to snap a couple of pictures and then get into the shower.

It was a little awkward- she had never done this before. But what she had in mind made her smile mischievously and keep going. She snapped a picture of her upper half, then of her torso without her face showing, a couple more of her whole body while lying down... Which one was the best? She spent almost half an hour deciding, finally getting into the shower when she got scared that Rose might come back. She sent Kylo one where he could see her breast, her toned abs, and part of her pubic hair. It didn't take too long for her phone to buzz with a reply, but she just grinned under the water and ignored it.

She got out after what felt like a decade, and finally looked at her phoned. A laugh escaped her lips at "Starfighter's" texts.


Gosh Rey warn a man before you do something like that to him

You're absolutely beautiful

I was scared you were mad at me

It had been about ten minutes, so Kylo couldn't have been expecting another picture of Rey's nude body. Her phone buzzed immediately.


Rey I'm at work and this is killing me

The girl bit her lip and chuckled. She could imagine him amongst his coworkers, with a very difficult to hide boner, aching and wishing release. She really must have been killing him. And that's why she replied:


I know

The next message took him a while to type. Rey had already gotten dressed and ready to leave.


Will you come over later?

She laughed thinking how desperate he sounded. But it wasn't enough. She called Finn to hang out and left her dorm room.

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