Chapter 1- The Start

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Hello? Is anything their?
Heh who am I kidding of course your here.
Who am I?
I am once a prince, yet I was a peasant before that I was a dog. I been many things. I been good. I been bad. At this point I am anything you think I was. I have no name But this is my life.

This life I was a boy. The strangers I do not know named me, Knightblade, Or so my friend call me Knight. I was at a age of 18, now doing the last year of my highschool life. It's funny how time had changed everything. I know now that my fight in the war was... so to say "worth it." After the Great War things between the homan and the monsters had been peaceful. I was a simple man of a simple mind walking along the halls of my school. In this world of ours monster are common place. Humans that used magic not so much. Of course I knew magic thanks to my other lives. Now it simply became rarer and rarer as many now rely on technology. People do know what magic is and uses items to use magic. Humans with the nature abilities are a different story. They had became not existent even if they can use magic it's rare only about .01% of humans have that ability naturally. I was one of those but I perfer not to use it.

"Hey, KNIGHT!" I Here him shout as I turned my head to fine Kin; my best friend and beyond.

He may not remember as much clearly as I do or maybe not even at all. He fight in the Great War with me in our past lives. I may not be very bright but I'd recognize him anywhere.

"Sup." I replied with a simple wave.

"Man, did you see the new girl? She hella cute. Dude you should go met her." Kin said as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

"No and shouldn't you be with your girlfriend instead of being an idiot."

"Heh funny Knight. But seriously you should check her out I feel like you two are meant to be. Both of you guys have similar names. Also I need help in history anyways."

"Of course you do." I said but on top of being a person who remembers my past lives I'm also know as that on kid that's crazy good at history. It's simple really just remember things I don't want to remember most of the times.

After that lunch end in a fairly smooth manner as I finished helping Kin the bell rang and we headed to class. As I was lost in my thoughts someone bumped into me as I snapped away from my thoughts I saw a girl. I had never seen her before, she must be the new girl Kin was talking about. She bumped into me so hard that she fell back and dropped her stuff.

"Oh dear, my apologies. I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you," the girl said.

She had long silky blue-hair, deep ocean blue eyes and fair skin. As I looked at her I simply help her pick up her stuff and then help her get out. As she got up I gave her stuff back to her.

"Thanks uhh...." she trailed of.

"Knightblade. Knightblade Scarlet," I replied saying my name, quietly.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Knightmare Nightsky," the girl, Knightmare said.

I nodded and was about to leave to go to my class but was stoped by a hand holding me back.

"Wait... um sorry," Knightmare said, "I need your help. Can you show me where H14 is? I'm new and I don't know where the class is."

"That is fine, follow me," I said not thinking anything of it I lead her to the class as we both had the same class.

"Mr. Bloodmoon Your late. And who's this?" The teacher said as a simply stayed quiet.

"Ms. It's not his fault. Hi, I'm new and we bumped into each other and I asked him to show me to the class." Knightmare said as I wondered why she did what she did; I mean she stood up for me a stranger to her.

"Very well. Knight, you're tardiness is forgiven but try to be on time. And Ms. you many find a seat." The teacher said.

"Yes mam." We both said and went to a seat.

With that class went by quick.

"Hey. Knightblade it's it ok I hang out with you tomorrow at lunch? I don't know much people here. Would you mind if you give me a tour?" Knightmare asked me.

She was kind of bubbly, and lively a cute change in sensory but a pleasant change.

"I guess." I said then left.

Little did I know, this was the start of something new. Something I will miss. Something I know Ill never be able to replace.

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