Chapter 15- Ashely

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Ever since Ashely ask me to be hers, she been extremely nice to everyone and started to get her grades up. I personally didn't care much about it. It was lunch time and I was sitting next to Knightmare, and Kin and Lucy sat the opposite of us at the lunch table.  Knightmare was slightly pushed away form me and Ashley sat between us with her lunch.

"Knightblade mind if I join you guys? I'm sure your friends won't mind~" she said with a fake tone.

"What about your other friends shouldn't you be talking to them and do whatever you do." I said as I saw Lucy was getting slightly uncomfortable by Ashley.

"Oh that's not how your suppose to act with your furture girlfriend~"

"Look I said it before I'm not interested. And can you leave you making my friends uncomfortable. Also stand up this seat is not meant to be sat on with three people. And your getting I'm my personal space."

"Awww come on~ don't be like that~ also Knightmare well you be a dear and move for me?"

"No, in fact I was here first enjoy my lunch. You should have asked earlier. Now can you move?"  Knightmare said slight irritated.

"Fine mph." Ashly said and move to the other seat in-front but still next to me.

"So Ashley can you leave?" I asked politely.

"But whyyyy?"

"I said because your making my friends uncomfortable." I said.

"Oh com-on Knightblade~no need to be so icy to me."

"Alright Ashley can you please just leave you making us really uncomfortable. And stop being so clingy, Knightblade clearly is not into you so you should stop trying." Knightmare said.

"What, you jealous? It's not like he's your boyfriend. So you knock in off and mind you own business!" Ashley snapped back.

"Girls please." I sighed and said.

"No but it's clear to me that your starting to get on his nerves and all I'm doing is tell you to lay back and stop it." Knightmare said which was true Ashley is getting to my nerves.

"Ugh look if he do get a girlfriend that's not you will you leave him alone." Knightmare said.

"Well I suppose." She said.

Knightmare turned to me and said "Knightblade will you go out out with me to the movie this Sunday as my date"

Ashley and everyone was shocked to say the least.

"You can't do that! Plus he probably doesn't like you anyways!" Ashley said.

"Well it's his choice. Will go to the movies for he says yes. And if he really like me as much as I like him then he'd agreed to be with me!" Knightmare said.

"So Knightblade your not really going to go on this date with here are you?" Ashley said.

"I will go on this date with Knightmare. If things go well I'll consider asking her out officials." I said, Ashley just gasped and walked away.

"Knightmare you really didn't have to do that for me" I said granted it's not that I don't like her but I felt like I pressured her into this.

"Nah is fine. Plus I do actually kinda like you. If things do t go well, can we still me friends?" Knightmare said with a blush as I thought she was kinda cute.

"Of course." I said.

"Damn Knightmare you just confessed for reals?" Kin said and she nodded.

"Yes our ship is saling!!!"Lucy said as kin and I laugh.

"Wow let's not go that far. Well just be friends until we do decide we wnat to be together or not." I said and the bell rang.

"Welp that's the bell I'll you guys later. Oh and Knightmare please do be careful when you alone knowing Ashely she probably going to bully try you and tell you to stop being my friend just because of me. So if that happens talk to me ok?" I said as I stood up.

"Ok." Knightmare said.

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