Chapter 11- Truth or Dare

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So of all the games we can play Kai and Lucy choose Truth or Dare.

"Hmmm lets seee oh Knightmare truth or dare?" Lucy said.

"Truth." Knightmare said.

"Ok so tell me what's the last thing you searched up on your phone."

Knightmare pulled out her phone and showed use a page on creepy pastas fanart of sexy slender man.

"Wow I never knew you like faceless men." Lucy said as Knightmare blushed.

"Umm so Kai truth or dare?" Knightmare asked.

"Dare!" He replied.

"I dare you to Kiss Blade and be a gay couple for a minute!" Knightmare said.

"Uhhhhh am I-"

"Yes" Lucy said as she tried to hold in a laugh.

I signed as it is Inevitable of my friend being my lover for a min.

"Well lets get this over with Honeyyyy~" I said in a monotone voice as Knightmare started a timer.

"So hows life daring Knight~" Kai said jokingly.

I stood up and walked to Kai and lifted his chin Up and gazed as he's eyes.

"Well love, now that your here it had been way better~ so what do you say about giving me a kiss love? It is a Dare after all." I say a bit sexily as Knightmare and Lucy slightly squealing.

"Uhh ummm uhh...." Kai said shyly which doesn't happen often and he blushed.

"I'll take that as a yess." I said and gave him a small peck on the lips as Knightmare's timer went off.

Kai is now a blushing mess as he put his face in he's hands as I laugh a little. I went back to the couch I was sitting on next to Knightmare.

"FINE SO Knightblade truth or dare" Kai manages to say as he blushed.


"Who was your first kiss?"

"Like 30 seconds ago with you of all people." I say.

"Your kidding you spent your first kiss on me on a dare?"

"Yes. Now Kai truth or dare?"

"Why me?"

"I get to choose so I choose you."

"Ok truth!"

"If you were gay would you actually date me?" I said as the girls bursted our laughing.

"Yes. Your a nice guy and sweet all be it a bit of a tease. So in theory I would. But dude why ask that?"

"Curiosity~" I said with a wink.

"Ugh I hate you sometimes. KNIGHTMARE truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go call Knightblade's mom and tell her that he's gay and that he not a virgin because he freaked a dude." Kai said.

"Dude! Seriously?" I said.

"It's cool dude we can just say it's for a dare later." Kai said and gave Knightmare mother's phone number.

Knightmare dailed the number and a few seconds later my mother answered.

"Hello this is Kiuku speaking?"

"Oh hello Mrs. Bloodmoon I'm one your son's friends and I just saw Him making out with a dude so I wanted to ask is he gay?" Knightmare reply.

"Ohh.... well if that's what he's Umm... in to then I have no problem with it he's still my son.."

"Oh also I heard them saying the did intercorse with eachother."

"Ummm......" my poor mother said as she was comprehending what in the world is she saying .

"All right I'll stop you right there. Hey mother, sorry for bother you. Kai made one of my friends do this 'prank call' on you tell you in gay." I said.

"So your not gay? And you didn't do that with a guy? second weren't you with Jax?" My mom asked.

"Yes I'm not gay and I did not have sex with a male or anyone. And yes I am with Jax he's playing with his friend which Just so happens to be my friend's little bother. Which just so happens to be the friend that I was omg to hang out with along with Kai."

"Alright honey. Well I'll talk to you when I get home~"

"Sorry for bothering you mother."

My mother laughed and said "oh it's fine it just made me day a bit exciting. love you sweetie~ bye."

"Love you too mother!" I said and Knightmare ended the call.

"Ok that was cool. So Lucy truth or dare?" Knightmare asked.

"Truth!" Lucy said.

"Ok if you weren't dating with Kai who would you date and why?"

"Ugh shouldn't I be saying this?" Lucy said.

"I mean sureeeeeww~ sweeetie~" Kai said with a bit jealousy laced in his voice.

"Heh welll I would date Knightblade honestly." She said with a slight blush, "because he's sweet, kind and smart. He's an honor student he know how to Cook. He's caring in many ways than one. He's loyal to his friends and family. Strong and isn't afraid of fighting for what's right like when he punch the kidnapper. He's Like super cute. He also knows how to treat a lady right."

I blushed a lifted and said thank you for the compliment.

"Wow if I didn't know better o would have thought you have a crush on Knightblade." Kai said.

"Awww cutie I only love you~" Lucy said.

As Lucy was bout to ask another question Travis and Jax ran out of Jax's room.

"BIG BROWWWWWW!!!" Jax yelled and jumped on to me and I made a oof sound.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Well mew and Jax had a lot of fun!! He had a lot of toys and and...." he said in excitement and tells me what he did.

"Well I'm glad you had fun."

"Yes! I did! Can we go home now I'm tired!!!! And can I come more often!?"

"Well as for coming over you need to ask mother and father. Well I supposed we can leave now" I said as he jumped off of me and Hugged Travis saying the bye's.

"We'll see you guys at school" I said.

They said ther bye and me and Jax left.

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