Chapter 20- Introductions

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It was now winter break. The snow is falling and Knightmare and I been dating for about a month or so. We agreed it time to tell our parents. So we did, we first to tell Knightmare's parents first. I went to Knightmare's home with Jax that day since Jax wanted to spend time with Travis. Of course Knightmare let us in and Jax went to Travis room.

"Ok so my dad and mom is here today but how are we going to tell them?" Knightmare said slightly nervously.

"Just say it obviously. Plus I don't think your parents would be upset that it's me that's been dating you. So relax." I said patting her head.

"Ok. There in the game room right now so let's go?" Knightmare said and I nodded.

I now went to the game room following Knightmare. We were outside of the room and Knightmare seemed to still be nervous. I held her hand hoping to calm near nerves a bit. She seems to calm down and knock on the door.

"Come in!!!" A cheery kind of high pitch voice said.

Knightmare slightly open the door and peeked in seeing her mother sitting on Knightmare's father. They didn't seem to notice me.

"Hello sweetie what's up?" Her mother said.

Her mother was an elegant women, she had fox ears and tail. She didn't look a day after 30. She had teal eyes and sliver white hair. If I didn't know any better I'd thought she be a collage student.

"Mom, ummm so I want to tell you guys something" Knightmare said nervously.

"What is it honey?" Her mother said.

"Heh don't tell me you beat up a burglar again." Mr. Nightsky said.

"No! Nothing like that! And Dad that was only once! Now why I'm trying to say is I have a B-boyfriend." Knightmare said shyly.

"Ohhh whooo I need to meet this boy!" Her mother seems to be excited.

Just then Knightmare open a the door a bit wider and they saw me.

"Hellow Mrs. and Mr. Nightsky" I said waving.

"EEEEK YESS I knew it I knew it! I knew it was going to be you! Wow I just didn't think my little girl would have the guts to ask you out." Mr. Nightsky said practically screaming.

"Bliz darling don't scare him! Now I guess you and Bliz have met before. My names Celestie. So please just call me Celest." Her mother said with a warm smile.

Knightmare seems to be reliefed and then Mr. Nightsky said "It's nice to see you, Knightblade. Glad you arm seem to be just fine as well. Say did you tell your parents yet? And how long have you guys been dating."

"A month or so. And no we where planing to later." I replied.

"Knightbalde I have to say your a pretty good looking kid. And I'm sure you'll be a great boyfriend." Celest said.

"Thank you. You don't look a day after 30 Ms. Celest. I'm sure tahts were Knightmare get her cuteness from. Now I hope you don't mind me asking but what's with the ears and tail?"  I asked as Knightmare blushed.

"Wow such a smooth talker. As for your question I guess Knightmare didn't tell you? I'm a kurama or kitsune what ever you perfer."

"Oh so a fox? Knightmare how come you don't have your ears and tail?" I asked curiously.

"I do just I can hide it better than my mom. Cus I'm more human. Than fox." Knightmare explained.

"Ohhhh fancy~ I bet you look cute tho." I said jokingly as she blushed.

"Ooooo want to see some baby pictures of Knightmare? She was absolutely adorable!"  Her mother said.

"Mom!" Knightmare said embarrassed.

"I'd love too." I said.

I spent the rest of the day with time until
I had to take Jax home with me. Ms. Celest found Jax really adorable and gave him some mochi. Mr. Nightsky was nice enough to give us a ride too. The next day, Knightmare came by and just so happens that my father and mother was home and answered the door without me knowing. It was early morning so I wasn't that awake yet. I just walked downstairs with a T-shirt and some basketball shorts and my hair was a mess. I tiredly walk down stairs and got a protein bar. It was the. That it struck me that my mom was staring at me sitting there and Knightmare was next to her. It took me a few minutes to realize what was happening and I blushed.

"I'll go make myself presentable. My apologies Knightmare I didn't think you come so early." I said a bit embarrassed at my ungodly mess that is my morning head.

Knightmare laughed and said "hehe, so you do have a more causal side. And it's fine I get bed head all the time."

I walked back upstairs after finishing I went upstairs to clean myself up and wore something presentable. The went back down stairs.

"Sooo KnightBlade when did you invite Knightmare over?" My mom said.

"Yesterday I was hang out it's her and Travis hanging out with Jax." I said and sat next to my father.

"Oh I seee. So you guys are go in going to hang out in your room then?" She asked.

"No actually. I asking Knightmare her for only only reason and that reason is to see you guys."

"Why?" My parents both asked confused.

"Mother, father, me and Knightmare are dating." I said blankly as they look at me shocked and looked and Knightmare then back at me.

"Uhhh is something wrong?" I asked as I can see a slightly worry wash over Knightmare's face.

"Wow my little boy finally growing up." My mother said excitedly and in the verge of tears.

"Now Kari, no need to get emotional." My father said, "although we were worried if you'll ever get a girlfriend. For a while there we thought you where Gay."

Knightmare laughed as I said "wait a minute, what made you think I was gay?"

"Well you never seemed to take an interest in girls before. You only really hung out with Lucy who had a boyfriend, and you never really seen or hear you talk about girls."

"Okay I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that." I said.

"Well Mr.Gay boy~ aren't we a bit embarrassed hmmmm?" Knightmare said teasingly.

"Knightmare, as much as I like you. Don't call me that." I said blushing.

"Sayyy~ so Mrs. Bloodmoon do you by any chance have baby pictures of Knightblade here. Heh my parents showed him some of my baby pictures and I want to embarrass KnightBlade just a little." Knightmare said.

"Oh yess! Although he's a pretty obedient for a boy. Now his older brother was whole different story he was a little trouble maker." My mother said.

Just like that we spent the day talk about me as a kid and other things. Like hobby's, movies, and stupid things like a that.

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