Chapter 9- Chat with KnightBlade

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It was after lunch and I went straight to my little brother's school. I went straight to the office to go talk to the principal.

"Hello I'm here to talk to the principal about a certain matter, about my brother who goes here" I said to the office lady.

"You're lucky our principal don't have much planned today you can see him about 30 minutes later." She said politely.

"Alright thank you, May I go visit my brother, in a aware that he as after school program and I like to see him for a bit before talking to the principal."

"Oh of course what's your name? So I can give you a visitor pass!"


She laughed a bit and said "my what a unique name for a handsome young man such as yourself. So I presume your here to see Travis Nightsky?"

"Uh oh no, I'm here to see Jax Bloodmoon."

"Oh I see he's a wonderful kid! He's always so sweet to everyone. My apologies you name just sound so familiar to his sister name so I persume you must be siblings."

"It's fine." I said as I thought "she must have been thinking of Knightmare. Or that's my guess anyway."

"Anyhow here you go and I'll see you in a bit Mr.Bloodmoon." She said and gave me a visitor pass.

I checked my time and I had around 20 minutes before I have to have a chat with the principal. I walking around the halls to see where my brother is and saw through the window he was outside so I headed to see him.

"Hey!" I yelled as I walked over drawing the kids attention to me.

Jax turn to see me and had a big smile as he ran over. I saw a kid next to him tripping him. Jax fell and thankful the teacher saw this and told  the kid off. I ran over to see if he's ok.

"I'm sorry I guess." The kid said annoyingly.

"It's ok!" Jax said.

"You ok little kiddo?" I said to Jax.

"I'm fine! So why are you here big brother."

"Just to visit my favorite little brother." I said as he laughed.

"I'm your only little brother! Big brother!"

"I know." I said as his teacher came towards us.

"Hello, you must be Jax, big brother." She said as she looked at me.

"Yes nice to meet you." I said to her and the said to my brother "hey why don't you go play~" he nodded and left.

"He's such a sweet and smart kid." She said.

"Indeed, maybe a bit to sweet."

She laughed and said "mhm, now what might bring you here? It's usually your mother taht  picks up Jax."

"Just a little issue I wanted to sort out myself. But as his brother I have a favor to ask you miss"

"Of course what's up?"

"Well my brother has been having a few issues with the other kids. He told me about his problems where other kids where talking about him and I'd and my parents became concerned. So I was just going to talk to the principal about this."

"Oh really.... how unfortunate."

"Mhm so can you keep and eye on my brother and make sure he's safe?"

"Mhm. That's my job!"

"Thank you miss us you excuse me I need to go talk to the principal. If it's no trouble I like to take my brother home after."

"Of course! I'll see you then." She said and I waved goodbye and left to the office once again.

I arrived at the principal's office and knocked.

"Come in" a husky deep voice said.

"Hello Mr. Principal." I greeted and sat  down on a chair in front of him.

He looked old well at least in his 60's, he had black hair and wrinkled everywhere. He looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Hello young man. What is it that I might be able to help you in this fine day." He said.

"Well sir, I'm here to talk about my brother, Jax Bloodmoon."

"Oh, so let me see...." he said as he was looking at the information of students trying to find Jax's info, "ahh there it is, Jax Bloodmoon, young man what's your name?"

"Knightblade Bloodmoon, his big brother."

"From the looks of it's, Jax is a great young lad, he's grades are amazing. So what might be the problem?"

"Bullies. Me and my parents had come to this a day ago when Jax told me that some of the kids at this school has been saying.... rude... things to him."

"Oh how unfortunate by any chance he told you their names?"

"No, but I'm aware school are supposed to feel safe and I come to the conclusion my brother is not form those bullies to I urge you to correct this so kids like my brother will no longer be subject to this behavior."

"Oh my... I will certainly do my best. I'll see to it."

"Thank you."

"By the way child, how come it's not your parents that's discussing this matter with me?"

"It's simple, I have skills and skills I can use to
persuade people and I personally ask my parents that this matter is in my hands. He's my brother and I will do anything to protect him. So I don't want to do anything rash and the logical conclusion is to insure my brother safety. My parents trusted me with my brother protection so I will make sure in my power I will do anything to keep him safe and happy."

"I see. Well I can assure you this will not go unpunished and Unnoticed."

I thank him agian and left the office and took Jax home.

"So big brother why did you come?" Jax asked.

"Like I said I will deal with that issue with those kids so I talked to your principal." I replied.

"Your the best big brother ever!" He said as he hugged my leg and let go.

"But there no Guarantee that this would work and if those kids continues to bother you feel free to tell me and I will deal with it for you"

"Ok thanks."

"Now let's go home and we can do our homework and I'll make some of my famous churros!"

"Yay!!!!!!" He said exitedly and then said "ohh ohhh so um big brother is out ok if I go to a friends house on the week end? He's suppper cool and invited me to his house!!"

"I don't know we have to ask father and mother."

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