Chapter 2- Speacial girl.

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Today it was any other day, it was the week end, a few days after I meet Knightmare. Kin always ask me about her. We ended up talking to each other a lot at lunch and classes we share. She was one of the popular kids, if you can even say that.

There something special about her and today was the day I found out.

I was about to walk home when I notice Knightmare. She was crying, it was a rare treat as I thought she was quit bubbly most of the time. So I walk up to her to see what's wrong.

"Hey, swe- I mean Knightmare." I said as I wondered why I had thought of calling her sweetheart.

"Oh it's you... don't worry about me." She replied quietly.

"You wanna go to my place and talk about it?" Was the first thing I said.

"That would be nice. Thank you."

A few hours went by as we walked to my house. My room was nothing but average. A couple of action figures here and their a few books and a black desk.
I invited her in my room and then told her to sit down and we can talk about it.

"So why where you crying." I said.

"Knight I have a question for you." Knightmare said quietly as she looked into my eyes with her ocean blue eyes.

"Ask me anything."

"Would you believe me if I was... to say..... um... I remember things I haven't gone through? Like a past life if you am an say that."

"Depends." I said knowing all to well how it feels to have many lives in my past.

"I remember them."

"What kind."

"Things I shouldn't remember. And Alec you know that guy in Math class. He reminded me of someone."

It was normal to feel that as I too seen many of similar yet so different. Yet by now I know if I seen someone I can use my magic to know for sure I met them or not.

"Ah huh. So theoretically if he did remind you of someone. Why were you sad?"

"He.... reminded me of a man named Shadow.... in my past life I was not a human but of a yokai and a human. And shadow was the person I loved."

I stayed quiet in knowing the very feeling of love yet I gave it up a long time ago.

"It hurts you know. I loved this man with all my heart and in the end he.... he betrayed me. And seeing some one so similar hurts" Knightmare said as she weeped.

I gently pulled her into my arms as I said no word. The only thing I was able to muster was "I know how that feels..... to know of a past life. Betrayed, to see someone you love die. And remembering everything."

"You remember? Too?!" Knightmare asked surprised as I let her go.

"Of course. Many. Happy, sad, and all. It was many and I lost count in how many. I gave up telling people after the fifth time. I know they would just brush it off. Many years of suffering. A blessing and a curse."

Knightmare looked at me sympathetically as they reminded of her. My love. My last Love. My everything. She was perfect. I let her die. I let her be killed.

"There's something special about you Knightmare something far from what I've seen."

"Knight.... it's it ok if we go in a date?" Knightmare asked as she blushed.

" I'm sorry Knightmare.... I don't think I can handle another loved one of my dying and remembering it. For many lives I chose to die alone. I chose to be me."

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