Chapter 16: After School Bully

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After school I was still slightly paranoid. I wouldn't forgive myself if I let Knightmare get hurt because of me. I quickly went to my locker and grabbed my things and left.

"Woah KnightBlade what's the hurry?" Kin said as walk past him.

"Sorry kin can't walk with you today. I want to make sure Knightmare is ok since you know Ashely." I said and left without gi ring him a chance to replay.

I went to Knightmare's locker and she didn't seem to be their. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn around seeing Ben.

"Looked for the newbie?" Ben said.

"You know she's been here for a while now. And yes." I replied.

"She just left." Ben said as he closed his locker.

"Ok thanks." I said and walked outside as I thought 'it's been a while maybe I should hang out with Ben a bit next time.'

I walked around the court yard as I heard someone yelling at someone else behind the corner. I hid and look around the corner to see Knightmare with another girl behind her and of course Ashely and her gang. I thankful didn't see they where having any compilations by that I mean any signs of a fight. I took out my phone and recorded the whole thing.

"Hey that is so not cool!" Knightmare said.

"Ugh what you scared? Or are you just acting like misss nice princess so Knightblade would like you aren't you. I Bet your just fake." Ashely said.

"I don't care what Knightblade thinks. I just don't like seeing you mess with people. And obviously Knightblade isn't here so if I was faking hero I would be doing it when he's watching. Why would I bring trouble to myself when I don't have to when I'm being fake." Knightmare said as she stood protective infront of the girl.

Granted I know Knightmare long enough that she isn't a faker. And I find myself being able to relate to her in many levels.

"Pft you know I can  just beat you up right here right now and know one will dare to say anything." Ashely said.

"I will not stand for this! Bullying is not good!" Knightmare said.

Ashley slapped her face as I stopped the phone. Ashely and her gang was about to actually beat her and the girl up with Ashely swing here and up about to hit Knightmare.
I ran and caught her hand litterat just before her hand hit Knightmare. Her gang gasp.

"WHAT THE HE—- oh uh hmm Knightblade she started it first! She slapped me and I wetting to give her, a piece of her own medicine." Ashley said as she saw it was me that held her hand.

"Normally I wouldn't Believe you but." I said I took a pause as I let go of her hand seeing a sight of relief of happiness, "I saw the whole thing and I'm just going to say that's not cool bullying and all."

"But but she's just acting it!" She said.

"And as if you didn't? Or would you say your acting? But honestly I'm pretty sure Knightmare didn't know I was there. I was worried something like this would happen so I was hoping to walk him with Knightmare." I said.

"But b-" she said desperately.

"No buts. And I don't want to see you bulling another every again. I'll over look it this one time." I said and turns to Knightmare and Teh other girl.

"Girls, will you allow me the honor of walking you home?" I said slightly jokingly as Ashely and her gang jaws dropped.

The girls laughed and nodded. We walked away and left the school.

"Say where do you live?" I asked the girl.

"N-n-not every far thank you... Knightmare and Knightblade." She said shyly.

"No problem" we both said.

"So don't you have a car that pick you up?" I asked Knightmare.

"No. I like walking home so my dad never ask anyone to pick us up. Plus my dad knows I can protect myself. By the way you know I could have take care of the if they did!" Knightmare said.

"Well I was paranoid. Plus you had gotten slapped because me. My apologies." I said.

"Geez it was Ashely who slapped me not you! So don't be so sorry about it"

The girl laughed and said "if I didn't know any better I think you guys would be a couple!"

We blushed and we both said "No we're not!"

"And you guys even say the same thing!" She laughed.

We arrived at the girls home and she thanked us again. Then we went to the Kindergarten. We went to pick up our little brothers.

"BWO!!" Jax yelled and hugged my leg.

I pick  him up with on hand careful of not hurting my broken one and said "you ready to go home!!" I said as Travis quietly came over and hugged Knightmare leg.

"Yes! But why are you here? Mwm always picks me up! Is something wrong?" He said then I put him down.

"Absolutely not! I just want to~ plus I came here with Knightmare." I said as he smiled.

"So what do you say about coming to my house for a while. I still haven't thank you for the pudding and I missed your birthday." I said as I turn to her.

"I'd need to tell dad first before he gets worried." Knightmare said.

We both calls our parents. Knightmare's dad was more than ok and said that Knightmare and Travis should stay with us for dinner as he'd be super late thanks to a case. As for my mother she said it was okay because he wanted to meet Travis and didn't mind. Travis and Jax was super excited being able to spend more time with each. With that we head to my home.

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