Chapter 10- Its a small world

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Today was the weekend, mother had given permission for Jax to go to his friends house in one condition. That one condition was I come along with him. He begged me to go with him and I finally gave in. Normally I would say yes to him but that today Kin had asked me to hang with him, Lucy and Knightmare at Knightmare's house. I canceled on them and they being the friends they are were understanding.

"You ready to go?" I asked Jax as I but on my short sleeved navel jacket.

Today I decided to go a bit causal, a navey blue short-sleeved jacket, white shirt and basketball. My brother ran down the stairs and nodded. With that we started walking.

About after hour of walking we finally arrived and my first thought was how big the house was.

"Umm I didn't know your friend were rich." I said.

"I didn't either this house is sooo biggggggg!!!" He said in astonishment.

"Well let's knock on the door." I said as he ran to the door and press the door bell.

I was next to Jax and the door opened and I wouldn't have guessed who I saw next.

"Knightblade?" Knightmare said in surprise.

"Uhhh Knightmare?" I said back.

"Ok this is werird how do you know where I live and second I thought you weren't coming." Knightmare said.

"Umm I didn't say I was coming this is pure accident." I said.

"Hiii misss!!!" Jax said excitedly "ummm is Travis hommeeee!!!!!! He invited meee overrrr to play!!!! Also how do you know my brother?"

"Ohhhh so your the friends with my little bro." Knightmare said.

"Heh I guess he is. My mother told me to come with him. So yeah." I said "it's a small world don't you think?"

"So are you like my brother girlfriend or something" Jax said as we both blush.

"WhAt no!" We both said.

"Anyways come in!" Knightmare said and let us in her house.

"I never knew you where rich gez. At least yoru not a brat." I said bluntly.

Knightmare laughed " I know I tried going to one those private school with all the rich kids and I hated it. So I went to a normal school and I'm glad I did. Those rich kid all talked about Monday and how successful there fathers and mothers are."

"Wo—-" I was cut off but a small kid with white hair and teal eyes ran straight into me and we both fell over.

"Oh sorry mister!" The boy said as he got off of me.

"no your cool dude. I'm fine. Jax tackles me all the time." I said.

"Travis!!!!!" Jax said excitly.

"JAXXXXXXX!!!!!" The boy, Travis said.

"Let's go play in my room." Travis said and dragged Jax with him.

"Kids am I right. So where are the others" I said as I got up.

"Sorry about Travis he's a very hyper kid. And they be here later." Knightmare said "want some tea?"

"Um... sure." I said.

After about an hour or so of us chatting the bell rang. "Oh that must be the others!! Excuse me for a second." Knightmare said as I nodded.

"Heyyyy KNIGHTMARE!" I heard as I thought how loud Kin Is and getting an idea.

I quickly decided to hide behind one of the couches with in the living room. Hopefully Knightmare doesn't say anything about me being here. I used a hand mirror that I keep around, you'll never know when you need it to spy on people; and put it angle were I can see the walk way. I saw them coming in and put the mirror away.

"Wowwww Knightmare I never knew you had a big house!" I head kin say as he sat on the couch that I was hiding behind in, I knew it was home because I saw the top of his head.

"Mhm it's so big and elegant." Lucy agreed with him.

"Well too bad Knighty Knight is gonna miss this amazing place and the time we going to have!!!" Kind said as I mentally laughed.

"Well actually I thou-" Knightmare said as I cut her off by making a loud roar and pounced up and pushed kin off as Kin screams like a girl.

I laughed and said "sorry Kin I couldn't help myself... pfft.", as Knightmare and Lucy laught along.

"Umm Kin?" I asked as I gently nudged him, "I think I broke him."

There was an awkward slience as I looked at the girls, suddenly Kin's hand Graps my shirt and pulled me down and I landed on top of him.

"Geez I knew you like me but not this much." I said jokingly as the girls blushed see us.

"Oh yess my handsome prince KnightBlade take me~" Kin played along trying not to laugh.

"Hmmm sure now get up." I said and got off of him.

"Ok ok, enough of the gay crap! So I thought you weren't coming and you watching your brother." kin said.

"Yes and just so happens that Jax's friend that invite him over is Knightmare's little brother. So now I'm here." I explain.

"Oh ok. So let's have some fun and play."

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