Chapter 4- ordinary but not so ordinary day

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It was just a school day, like any other. It was lunch time and I was hangout with Kin per the usual talking about guy stuff.

"So you been hanging out with Knightmare~ and I was going to a-" Kim said

"No I'm not love if that what you were going to say." I cut him off.

"Pfft as if you can love. You alway seems so I don't know Bleh. You don't seem like the type to fall hard for someone."

"Ok so what where you going to ask then?"

"I was going to ask if you like to hangout with me and my girlfriend after school. We where going to shop for stuff."

"And you want me to be the third wheel, oh hell no."

"No no! I was hoping you get Knightmare to come too. Have a little fun. I learned that you two are both the up tight kinda person. LuiLui and I was think you two should have a fun day without worry."

"Did you even ask Knightmare if she was ok to come with us? Anyways?"

"Ask me about what?" Someone said behind me.

I turned around to see Knightmare tilting her head in confusion. I look back at Kin as he's eyes lit up and his smile getting wider.

"Hey~ so I was telling Knight over here to go shopping with me and my girlfriend. I was telling him he should invite you too. You know like a double date."

"Kin! You said where just hanging out." I said in surprise of the last part.

Knightmare laughed and said in her usual bubbly demeanor "Sure I wouldn't mind hang out with you guys. I'm sure it well me fun! Oh and Blade let me pay for food this time!"

"Knightmare I said it was fine you did-"

"I know I know, but I feel bad if you don't do something about it."

"Well you did give me that box of chocolates"

"Yeah I know but seriously I want to thank you properly for taking me to the amusement part that weekend"

"Oooooo Knighty has a crush~~~~~" Kin said teasingly.

"Um no. We just decide to hang out without you." I said back.

After that the bell rang and we said good bye after saying that we will meet at my house then go shopping. Knightmare and I said the same class so we walk together and talked.

The rest of the school day was normal and I walked home after say bye to Alec and Kin when I walked past them. When I got home I told my mom I was going out with Kin, and that Kin, Lucy his girlfriend, Knightmare will be coming her first before we leave. Then change into my casual clothes and waiting in the living room as I watched some action anime my little brother of this life was watching. Then the bell ring and I went to get it.

"Hayyyyyyyyy hows my bestie brosky?" Kin said as he saw me and gave me a hug.

"Hello Knight." Lucy said shyly.

Lucy was your typical cute girl, she had pink hair and blue eyes. She shy and kind and overall a very sweet person. Kin and her is definitely in the opposite side of a spectrum but they seem to work really well with one another.

"Hello Kin, and Lucy. You guys and come in and will go when Knightmare is here" I said and let them in.

"W-wow I never seen you house before it's really nice Knight" Lucy said.

"It's comfortable and it's a roof above my head so yes. And thank" I said politely.

"Geezzz Knighblade, you sound like an old many you know?" Kin said.


A few minutes later Knightmare arrived and we went to the mall together. It was a typical friend outing. We went to stores and shopped for a while mostly the girls did the shopping. We decided to take a littles rest it was around sunset. We were in the food court sitting next to the water fountain.

"My legs are killing meeee!" Kin said whining a bit.

"Dude it was your idea to go out here in the first place." I responded as Lucy nodded.

"I kn-" Kin was cut off but a small kid running and hitting the back of my chair as we heard a little "mph" from the small boy.

"You okay there kiddo." I said turning around to face him.

"No Mr. MR! Help me please there his guy he was trying to hurt me!!! And my sister." The boy said as I noticed how he had very dirty and worn clothes.

"Sorry Dude hmm that's my son he's being a little brat right know" a man said as he ran towards us.

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