Chapter 22- Chill day went haywire

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Short chapter:

Now do today, Knightmare and I decided to go to a near by cafe. Well turns out Lady Luck really hates me.

We where walking to the cafe, as we were walking we heard sirens and some police. It was a relatively empty street was a couple of people, so we could see what was happening. We were just right in-front of the bank and a robber walked out along as police tried to surround him. We backed away knowing we probably be in the way. Knightmare and I were a couple of steps apart but we knew to stick close. Unfortunately the guy fired his gun towards our direction.

"Knightmare watch out!" I said and tackle her on the ground just the slip second it passed us.

I made sure when we hit the ground I was on the bottom so Knightmare wasn't going to get hurt. Ness leads to say that hurt. I knowing the guilt of thinking that he might of killed someone is sinking in, the robber stood there. The police took this chance to apprehend the robber.

I groaned and looked at Knightmare into her ocean blue eyes. Her eyes were staring at me with worry.

"Oh no! Did you get shot? Are you okay Bladey?" Knightmare said worried.

"I'm fine. No I don't think I got shot. It was just the fall, and that's nothing a bit of time won't fix." I said as she stood up with me.

"Sir are you okay? Did you get shot." One of the police officer said as the walked over to us.

I looked around my body and then said "doesn't look like it. Just a few scrapes on my elbows nothing I can't handle."

"Ok that's good. If your not hurt then I should go now" he said and left.

"Now Bladey, so you want to go home we can let you rest a bit." Knightmare said.

"No no I'm fine. How about we go to the convenient store and get some badges or a first aid kit." I said.

She nodded and we went to the store got a med kit. Knightmare help me get the bandages on and we went or the cafe.

Yeah let's just say after that day, we just spent mostly walking to the arcade or hangout with our other friends in the rest of winter break. Well besides Christmas. Christmas was interesting my parents decided to invite Kin and Lucy for a party along with their parents.

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