Chapter 25-Kidnapped

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Finally, winter break had came to and end and it was a day before we had to go back to school. Knightmare and Travis went back to there home. Jax and Travis was crying since they wanted to spend more time with each other and I a sure them we be able to spend more time together later. Knightmare and Travis went home and everything was great. Knightmare and I decided to go shopping since I need to get groceries and Knightmare wanted to company me. I didn't mind so Knightmare decided once she was back home she put back her stuff and go back and tilde me to come along. Once I helped her we went shopping for groceries together. It was quite and uneventful walk we were just talking and walking. Unfortunately for us we fail to notice there was someone following us and the next thing we knew was a something hard hit my head I didn't know if Knightmare was ok. I black out after hearing a laugh.

"Wake up!!! Please!!!" Someone said it was a bit fuzzy but I heard it.

"Come on, this is not the time to sleep. Wake up!!!" I heard louder.


Finally I open my eyes and slowly stood up and we were not at the street anymore. It was a dingy and wet prison area. For some reason this place seems to be familiar.

"Thank god your a wake." Someone said and I turned to see Knightmare.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know I woke up I say a couple of minutes earlier than you. Your not hurt are you?" Knightmare asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Well as fine as you can be after being kidnapped to whatever this place is."

"Well lookes like they too are stuff too. So we are basically doomed to wait for who ever kidnapped us to get us out of this. Big o doubt he would without a fight."

"Welllll how well can you fight?"

"Well I am a cop's daughter so pretty good. You?"

"Well considering I was in a military, a general, some master assiain, and a rogue hero once I think I'm pretty decent but I haven't fought a lot in this life so I don't really know how much damage I can take."

"Oh so different lives right?"

"Yup. I even survived the war with monsters."

Knightmare laughed and said "Well Mr.bigshot you know how we can get out of here? Also I think there's a magic damper here."


After a while we decided to just wait and see. A couple of hours went by with seemingly no one coming by until finally a man walked and looked at us with a smirk.

"Greeting." He said with an amused look on his face, "I'm sure your wondering why you here and frankly you are now in my domain and you will listen to me. Or you die."

"Why exactly us." I asked.

"Well you don't find magic users that often. And you two fit the bill. Granted I do know a few things. So I'm afraid you won't be going home. Ever."

"Let us out!" Knightmare said annoyed.

"Watch your tone lady. I can do whatever I want with you and no one will know." He said with a perverted smile, I just looked at him in disgust.

"Wait wait a minute Knightblade your a magic user?" Knightmare asked "dawn that rare."

"Yes, we can discuss that when we get out." I said to her and then turn to the man "I need to know why do you need magic users."

"Why should I tell you?" He asked.

"Well I don't see why you can tell us. I mean for all I know we can be on the same side. If your using us to be lab rats than that a different story. But if you just need magical help we maybe able to provide it." I said convincingly.

"Well all we need was just magic users simply to defeat humans who can't. So if your on our side we be fine letting you go."

"Well I'm that case count me in~" I said with a smile "We two hate that humans that can't use magic doesn't deserve to be here. I mean come on there weak sauce compare to those of us that can use magic. I totally agree with tag philosophy! Right?" I said turning to Knightmare hoping she get the message to play along.

"Yeah! I mean don't get me wrong those humans did do some good but with those of us that we can totally win! I mean man you could have just asked us to join!" Knightmare said.

"You two seems fishy." The man said.

"Well we were just upset that you kidnapped us here. If you would have just asked kindly to I , I mean we would do so as soon as you asked." I said.

"Alright I'll let you guys out"

As soon as he did I knocked him out and said to Knightmare "let's get out now."

She nodded.

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