Chapter 27- 10 years later

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Ten years later, Knightmare and I was happily married. We had a kids and a boy named them Zylis Bloodskys the last name was both of our last name Combined and a girl name Linus Moonnight. They is a cute little trouble makers. I work full time as a detective and Knightmare following her dad's footsteps in becoming a police officer. Jax was now in college along with Travis. After all these years they became like brother.

Kai and Lucy broke up after a few years since they relied they aren't the best for eachother. Kai is now dating a girl name Sylvie and she was a kind teacher working at our old highschool. Lucy is now pregnant with her husband named Max.

As for our parents, my mother died in a crash a few years back, my dad is in the hospital currently for lung failure, thankfully he will recover once he get a pair of new ones. Mr.Blitz had retire and now teaches kids self-defense and Mrs. Celeste is still young looking as ever. Knightmare explains that is because of her mother is yokai she doesn't age the same way, even tho she given up her immortality as a yokai to be with Mr.Bits forever and to have kids with him. Knightmare really don't know if she is immoral or not bit I don't care as I can remember my past life's. I made a promise if I die, I will grow up and finder if she immoral.

I never expected to have kids in this life and look at me now, a proud father to two amazing kids and have a beautiful wife. I couldn't ask for more.

Next we ended up realizing she is immoral along with Travis. It wasn't that surprising, but still I was able to watch my kids grow until
The day I died. I promise I'll be there for her forever before my final breathe as Knightblade Bloodmoon. That's exactly what I did, this life of what I have now I was a yet another human, a human born into a wealth family I work hard took over my new father's company and found her again and asked her to marry me again at 28. Knightmare was first skeptical at firstly and once she realized it was me she happily accepted as she said "you many look different but your still my KnightBlade."

Now our children was only half immoral so they can't die form age but can die form severe injuries. We had to explain to them what and how I can remember my past life's. When ever I die I always found a way back to them but it takes years to find them. Finally after centuries of This I was able to be with my family forever as I was now reborn into a family of immortals as a half wolf. Finally I will never have to wait for myself to grow to be with them. I was happy, we were happy. I had my family a new family I can call my own. A place I can fit in.

That was my lives. And I would change anything for it. After so long I found my love and purpose. I'm happy.

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