Chapter 18-the Date

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It was the weekend and I was going to go to the movies with Knightmare. I wanted to look at least somewhat nice. So I wore a black and white varsity Jacket blue as accent color, plan white shirt, black and whit sweat band in my right hand, and a pair of black jeans. Then I left my room and got breakfast. Mother was finished eating it's making breakfast, father was reading news paper and drinking coffee, and Jax is watching tv.

"Oooooo Knightblade you look absolutely handsome today. Going out with your  friends?" My mom said as she gave me my breakfast.

"No actually. I have a date today." I reply as I saw my father spit out his coffee on the newspaper while my mom look at me with a smile.

My father coughed a bit and said "uh son? Do I have to talk about relationship with you. Geez I never thought I need to tell you this early. So when. A girl and a gu—"

"Father, no. You don't need to tell me the bird and bees. I just agreed to a nice movie date that's all." I interrupted and drank some tea.

"Well I Hope we meet this young lady!" My mother said excitedly.

"No mother, this is just our first date. You know to see if where right for each other and everything." I said.

"Alright son! Tell us all about it when you get home!" My father said.

I nodded. After I finished my breakfast I left the house and headed to Knightmare's. When I arrived I range the door bell and waited. A few minutes later Knightmare came out.

"Sorry you had to wait! So how to I look?" Knightmare said as she did a small twirl.

She whore a navy blue off-shoulder, long-sleeved top with a black short-shorts. Her hair was nicely done with a side ponytail. No makeup as usually. I walked closer to her as she slightly blushed.

"You're cute when you blush." I said as her face got redder, "As for your question, it seems to fit you. I like it."

"Thank you, you look cool too." Knightmare said.

"Alright shall we go my lady~" I purred as I slightly bowed and offered my good hand to her.

"Knightblade it hard to tell if your joking or if your serious!"  Knightmare said and took my hand.

I chuckled and with that we when to the cinema hand in hand.  We arrived at the cinema and choose a action movie to watch. Knightmare held the drinks as I got the popcorn. We watch the movie with a few laughs here and there. It felt more like a hang out day than a date, which I was glad, I thought it be awkward as heck. After the movie we went out for lunch. We went to the near my McDonald's.

Then we went to the arcade. It was fun we spend out time playing games and goofing off. I had to go to the rest room and told Knightmare to stay put so I can find her easier later. When I came  back from the bathroom I saw Knightmare uncomfortable you movie away from a couple of middle age men thats seem to be drunk. As I walked closer I heard but the men was say and get kinda discussed.

I walked over and said "Excuse me sir but you are making her uncomfortable can you leave." While I stood between the men and Knightmare.

"What's it to you kid huh? Now get out of our way." One of the men said.

"Well it just so happened that she's my date." I said as Knightmare slightly blushed when I glanced at her.

"Well she can have fun with us~" he said as he tried to push me as I simple just moved away from them with Knightmare.

"No now if you'll excuse me will leave now." I said and motion Knightmare to follow me.

He said "Now wait just a seco-" as his hand was a about to hold my shoulder I turn and grabbed his hand tightly.

"Please reframe from touching me sir. I may have a bad arm right now but that doesn't mean I can't put up a fight." I said and left go of the mans hand and quickly left the arcade.

When we were outside I turn to Knightmare and said.  "My apologies Knightmare I should have taken you with me and made you wait outside near the bathrooms. That didn't hurt you did they?"

"No... thanks tho and it's not yoru fault." Knightmare said.

After that we decided to walked round look that the shops. It was slightly boring but Knightmare seems to enjoy going to crane machines looking at the toys and the art shops. At the end of the day, I walked Knightmare home.

"Thanks again Knightblade. I had a lot of fun." She said and gave me a small peck on the cheek and blushed.

I chuckled and makes her look at me by lifting her chin a little, then said " I wouldn't mind going out with you again I enjoyed our time."

She blushed and nodded. As if she couldn't get any redder, I kissed her forehead and she was tomato red.

"Cute" I mumble to myself.

"So before you go I have to ask you. Do you... um....." Knightmare said nervously.

I laughed and said "if you mean by the whole dating thing~ the I'm not sure yet. I'll think about maybe go on a few more dates before we decide to make it official. How about that?"


"Well I'll see you at school." I said and let her go and waved bye.

She wave back and stood there blushing. I smiled and left. When I got home I told my parents the day I had. Now think back I never did tell them it was Knightmare that I went with.

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