Chapter 14 - Back to school

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It's been about two weeks or so since the incident. The students in my class all thanks me and made sure I was ok. I had a couple of days of work to catch up on but my teacher know the story excused all the assignments for me. I was not happy about the cast but I'll live. Kin been super protective of me because of the incident and insisted we go home together everyday until I get better, granted we do that most of the time.  As for Knightmare she been nice she would help be during class if I need anything. Now the only thing that's dramatically changes is I went from girls secretly loving me to a Fan-club fangirling about me. It's to the point I would fine a love letter in my locker everyday. Currently it's lunch, Kin had some work to do and Knightmare had to go to the library to get some books, with that leaving me alone.

"H-hey um... Knightblade." Someone said as I turned around, it was the girl in my class that the shooter was using to get the cops to comply.

"Yes?" I simply said.

"Umm I wnat to thank you for saving our class, I know it's been a while since then. I wanted to make you something to thank you so here!"  She said with a blush and gave me a shirt with Sans from Undertale, it seemed to be handmade.

I smiled and said "Thank you but there's really no need for a gift, all I did was doing what's right."

"I know but I insist!" She said and place it next to my backpack.

"Alright. May I ask your name?"

"Alexis" she said.

"Well thank you for the gift, Alexis." I said as she blushed and left.

After I finished eating I decided to do something homework as a saw a group of girls walk towards me from my Peripheral area. The girls stopped in front of me and I simply ignored them.

"ohhhh Knighty Knightblade!" One of them said, it seems like the leader of the group and I looked up.

Ashley one of the most popular girls in school. She also a brat form what I seen. Also rude and from what Ben said she's also kinda dumb, as he seen her grade and most of them were below a C. Ben also used to date that girl and knows she's a player and a cheater.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I said blankly, look at her and her caked on makeup.

"Everyone been talking about you~ how cool and handsome you are and I have to agree your a cutie~" She said.

"Thank, if you don't have anything else to say I need to do my work."

"Knighty I ju-" I interrupted and said "Knightblade."

"What?" She said confused.

"Knightblade. Only my friends call me that and my brother." I said as she gasped.

"Well I was hoping you be my boyfriend." She said.

As soon as she said "Boyfriend" practicality everyone look at us. I look up at her as she tried to look cute, the key word is 'tried'.

"No. Look I don't even know you personally. And if I am going to get a girlfriend is someone I know that's kind and definitely not a player." I said.

"Oh come on dating me we be the most popular couple here! And the most cute~"

"Yeah no, not my type. I'm not need fake girls with caked on makeup, fake personality with fake loyalty, to be my girlfriend. Also I'm definitely not going to date a girl who's been known to cheat." I said bluntly as she and her crew gasp.

"OH DAMN NEED SOME ICE WITH THAT BURN~" Kin yelled as he heard me say that, and the crowd saying "ooooooohhhhhh"

"Hey Kin when did you get back?" I asked ingoring Ashley.

"Long enough to hear to roast the girl." Kin said.

"As for you Ashley, I didn't mean to be that rude, I'm apologies but I will not date you." I said.

Ashley faked cryied and I simply said "Do you need a tissue?"

"Why must you Brake my heart Knightblade your so cruel." She said trying to sound innocent.

"I'm sorry? But I don't like you and you be wasting your time with me if I did say yes." I said and the bell rang.

Classes went as normally and after the final bell rang I went to my locker.

"Heyyy~ Knighty-Kun~" I hear Ashley say as I tune around to see her.

"I'd reframe form calling me that and How May I help you?" I responded as she simply smiled grabbed my hand and hugged it between her breasts.

"Oh Knightblade, come in you know I live you~ I just want to be with you." She said.

"No. Like I said before no."

"Oh come on what's so bad about being my boyfriend.

"Well if you insisted you want to know I will tell you exactly what's wrong. Firstly you make fun of people being a bully because there not as popular as you. Second you cheated on your last boyfriend. Third I hate girls who's fakes her personality just to get a guy. Fourth I see you don't really care about education. Finally fifth, I don't like girls who sleeps with anyone they can get."

"But Knightblade I want to change for you~"

"Actions speaks louder than words" I said and pushed her off and left to find Kin.

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